Birthday Party

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Nightmare woke up, and immediately wanted to go back to sleep.

Today was the day where majority of Sanses in the multiverse shared a birthday or anniversary, it was commonly nicknamed The Birthday.

Unfortunately for Nightmare, he was forced to participate in The Birthday celebrations despite not being a real Sans himself because all of his gang celebrated it and - although he wouldn't admit it - Nightmare was pretty certain his anniversary was today as well (it was pretty hard to tell considering Nightmare and Dream's lack of calenders before the village came about. And even then, the two never really cared for that sort of thing).

Through Nightmare's exhaustion came a wave of confusion... Typically he would be able to hear some form of chaos in the living room and kitchen, but on a day where it was most rare - there was silence. Nightmare reached out with his empathetic powers, and was immediately met with the presence of two souls outside his door.

Now suspicious, Nightmare quietly got up and crossed the room. He turned the door handle, and opened it up.

POOF! Nightmare's vision was covered in glittery pink, and he heard two sets of skeletal feet running down the hall shrieking with laughter - and possibly fear. Nightmare shot out his tentacles and attempted to grab the perpetrators of this heinous crime. But alas, Nightmare's momentary confusion allowed their escape.

Eventually, the glitter in the air subsided, but the sticky nature of the goop covering Nightmare's body left a nasty bi-product to this relatively tame prank.

Nightmare was now covered in sticky pink glitter.

Seething with anger, Nightmare immediately headed to shower, but had to pass the living room to get there. No doubt he would be seen by his gang before being able to get rid of the embarrassingly shiny glitter.

In the kitchen, Axe and Rive were having a great time cooking and baking. Axe was currently in charge of prepping the stew for the slow cooker while Rive mixed batter for some cookies that could be saved in the fridge for later.

Killer sat on the island counter - forbidden from the kitchen appliances - suppressing a burning laugh as he imagined Nightmare stalking along, all pink and shiny. He was so grumpy about everything! But Killer knew there was a good soul in there somewhere. Not literally though - Nightmare's soul was actually a magic apple - which was pretty strange if you asked Killer.

Sure enough, Killer heard Axe giggle and looked up to see a glittery Nightmare scowling as he passed the opening to the living room (which was adjoined to the kitchen). Poor Rive wasn't ever good at concealing laughter, and had to duck behind the island counter to avoid a death-stare from the Lord of Negativity himself.

Nightmare left, and not ten seconds later Killer heard Dust screech and run past the doorway. The skeleton sighed: he'd told Dust that he'd chosen a horrible hiding space.

Over in the doodlesphere, things were faring a little better. Because of Ink's horrible memory, he'd decided to celebrate with The Birthday Along with the other Sanses because he couldn't remember his actual birthday.

Ink found himself wondering what Error would be up to today, considering he was one of the rare Sanses that didn't celebrate The Birthday. In Error's words, The Birthday was 'an excuse for the abominations of the multiverse to attempt to celebrate their pathetic existence... And it was stupid.'

Ink's scarf floated past the side of his vision and he saw a hasty scribble of the date and time of the Star Sanses' party later. There was still an hour (give or take - the writing was a little smudged) until it started, maybe Ink should go visit Error, and for good measure...

Ink painted a bar of chocolate to match those from Underfell. When it was completed you couldn't tell the difference from an authentic one.

Satisfied, Ink dropped through space and code and nothing at all until he landed in the anti-void.

As soon as Error heard Ink's voice behind him, the glitchy skeleton was instantly more annoyed than before. Unfortunately, he didn't have the excuse of watching Undernovela today because they were running a birthday special for their Sans, and Error couldn't bear to watch it from the cringe.

Blissfully ignorant (or perhaps uncaring) of Error's foul mood, Ink bounced over to Error and his beanbag, where the glitchy skeleton was stitching up some new dolls. Ink asked Error about the dolls, and got terse replies as a result.

Now Ink pouted, apparently bored, and Error internally celebrated; maybe Ink would just go away? But no such luck; the skeleton in question proceeded to hand Error a bar of chocolate while proclaiming it definitely was not a birthday present.

Error was reluctant to accept any gifts from a squid like Ink, but he'd be dusted before he turned his nose up at chocolate. Especially from Underfell... Something about that AU just made chocolate so much better! Now less on guard, Error grudgingly let Ink sit on the beanbag with him but making sure he wasn't too close.

The two guardians sat in silence for a while - one finding it blissful and the other becoming increasingly agitated.
Eventually, Ink reached his breaking point and tried to start up a conversation to no avail. While Error would usually humour Ink for a bit on most days - today his strings were too short and he just wanted to sit alone. Well, alone as he could be with The Creators pestering him 24/7.

Something possessed Error, and for a moment he entertained the notion of actually talking to the squid. He chased away this idea not two moments later, brushing it off as the Creators messing with him again.

After five more minutes, Ink looked ready to burst, and Error was prepared to be very annoyed again, when Dream and Blue made an appearance. Blue came through a portal first, and Dream practically crashed into him muttering something about the physics of the doodlesphere being an abomination.
This had to be the only times Error was even remotely happy to see those two: hopefully they could get rid of Ink for him.

Finally, some good luck! Apparently, Ink was late for a party that he himself helped organise. Despite his claims to not care one bit about Ink, Error wondered what Dream and Blue were thinking. Ink could barley remember where his own skull was sometimes; how would he remember the time of a party?

Who cared anyway, those stupid Star Sanses were gone and Error had his peace back.

He totally didn't miss having the squid around.

1144 words

Happy birthday if it's your birthday! If it's not then enjoy an honorary birthday, on the house!

Sincerely, Blitzen the normal-nosed reindeer

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