Crooked Smile

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Something was wrong with Shattered.

Over the time Dream had known Shattered, there were always unspoken rules between them:

- Shattered would leave Dream alone as long as the guardian visited him in Dreamtale often enough.

- Dream would at least listen to Shattered's proposals, even if Dream found them stupid and pointless and repetitive.

But lately, Shattered seemed to be bending the rules a little bit.

Dream heard him more and more outside of Dreamtale, up to the point where his- or it's, Dream wasn't really sure- taunts would haunt most of Dream's waking hours.

The constant torment was nigh-unbearable, and Dream was sure the excess nightmares he'd been having recently were Shattered's doing.

When the guardian woke he swore he saw his hands charcoal-black like Shattered's, or covered in stone like they were all that time ago. And it wasn't until he sat up in a panic that Dream's hands would be bone-white again. Sometimes Dream wondered if one day his hands wouldn't change back, and these hallucinations would become a reality.

He wasn't sleeping properly, he wasn't at his A-game, the others were starting to notice.

But Dream couldn't slip, couldn't fail, because he had to keep the multiverse in balance.

And yet...

He was getting pretty tired of the constant harassment.

And some of Shattered's promises were starting to sound a little less stupid and pointless and repetitive.

Sometimes Dream swore he even saw Shattered out of the corner of his eyelights- something he'd never been able to do outside of Dreamtale before.

Only one thing was certain: Shattered was growing more powerful every day, and Dream wasn't sure what was going to happen next.

Dream was a tough nut to crack, that was for sure.

It had been a long time since It had inhabited a living body, and the little guardian's soul was proving a challenge.

With Nightmare, it had been easy. After all, It was already meant to be a part of Nightmare's soul, so communicating with him had been a piece of pie.

But with Dream, things were different. Dream's soul was chock full of positive energy, which was practically poison to Shattered. At first it could only talk to Dream in Dreamtale because of all the excess negativity Nightmare had left behind, but cracks were beginning to show in the outside of Dream's soul. All it had to do was find one big enough, and corrupt the darn thing from the inside out.

And then... Well... Things could finally get a lot more interesting.

It quite liked its new name 'Shattered', because once the corruption was complete, It would be a perfect metephor for Dream, and for the multiverse.

Finally the grand plan could be realised.

Oh joy! Shattered couldn't wait. But as it had learned with Nightmare, patience was key. It's time would come. Then chaos would reign supreme.

539 words

Voice...did not have a good time between ITTS and Shattered Souls.

Sorry for not uploading yesterday! Caught up in the new year's celebrations... Speaking of which, Happy New Year everyone!! I hope y'all have a great year!! And may your resolutions last more than a week.

Sincerely, a creator and their unruly creations

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