Finally, We Can Sleep

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A few weeks after the final battle with Shattered/Voice, things were almost back to normal between the outcodes involved in that horrendous event.

But, a few things were still out of place... Still missing.

Not that this was entirely bad of course, because one of the things missing was the heavy and thick air of vengeful tension that used to hang over every battle between the twins.

While they still fought - the underlying sense of betrayal was lifted from each of them, hopefully for good.

But one missing piece... was Cross.

Cross, who had been a loyal and intergral part of Nightmare's gang for the year he'd been there.

Cross, who hadn't been around as long as the others had been, but was one of them nonetheless.

Cross, who despite all odds breached the divide of 'good' and 'evil' and developed a relationship with his boss' sworn enemy.

Cross. Cross was missing.

Dream had thoroughly assured them all tuat he could not be dead, because at the time that Shattered attacked Cross the little gaurdian still had enough control to stop the wounds from being fatal.

But... No one could find him.

And trust me, they tried.

For a whole week after the Shattered incident, the multiverse was free from battles as both sides desperately searched for their friend.

Then Error had to go ahead and start destroying again, so the Star Sanses had to get back into battle, and so Nightmare's gang had to counter them to hold the balance.

But even between battles they searched hard but with no success.

A few weeks turned to a month, and then to two.

And one day, a skeleton dressed in black and white knocked on the door to Nightmare's caslte, with an apology and a proper goodbye waiting on his tongue.

"You're leaving?"

Cross ducked his head to avoid seeing at the betrayed look in the others' eyelights any longer.

They had been so happy to see him again, even Nightmare had smiled - really smiled.

Now his boss stood at the back of the room, just watching silently as Dust, Axe, Killer, and Rive crowded around Cross while he tried to say goodbye.

"We can't stay, you guys, me and Chara both think it's for the best - after everything that happened."

Killer pouted, "You can't leave! You only just got back! And besides, none of us care; what's done is done Cross."

"Yeah, come on man," Dust piped up, "Who else am I gonna ghost hunt with?"

Chara twitched.

"You're one of us Cross." Axe chimed in, and Rive nodded feverently in agreement.

"Guys I really can't..."


Nightmare turned towards the group. "it's his descion. We have to respect it."

The negative guardian walked directly to Cross, and took his hand. With a small nod he said, "Be well, Cross."

The skeleton in question smiled gratefully, "Thank you, Nightmare," Then to the others, "Thank all of you."

"No, thank you, Cross."

"Yeah man you rock!"

"Goodbye Cross. And you Chara."

"Good luck out there you guys!"

And Cross turned away from them all, purple tears glistening in his sockets.

The first family he'd known since everything fell apart...

"Who'd have thought we'd be the ones leaving them, Chara..." Cross asked jovially once they were outside the castle.

It's for the best.

"I know." The skeleton sighed, "It's not like I can never come back anyway... We just need to cool off a bit I think. Which reminds me! We should probably go speak to Dream."


"Then... On to new things. A new adventure. Away from it all."

That sounds nice. Peaceful.

"Yeah, I think so too."

The multiverse was calm, finally, and every soul in every world took a collective sigh of relief.

'Finally', it said, 'we can rest - we can sleep.'

'Yes', the creators promised back to them, 'rest a while'.

'We'll be waiting.'

707 words

See y'all in the next part for the final notes and yada yada - but our story does end here! Thanks for coming all this way
- especially if you left comments or votes (but it's okay if you didn't!)

As always, feel free to ask questions or anything else.

Sincerely, a hunter gatherer of stars

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