Shatter. Splinter. And Break.

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There was something deeply wrong and deeply distracting about this fight, Nightmare realised, as he shot forward a tentacle to block an impending arrow.

The arrow hurt like hell as it was embedded into the limb, and decimated Nightmare's tendril in a small explosion of negative 'gloop' that dragged itself along the ground dutifully back to its host.

Much like the palpable negativity slinking along the battlefield, there seemed to be something else lurking around, pressing down like a weight on Nightmare's psuedo-soul. He noticed it with a strange twinge of recognition. But it seemed like something he hadn't felt in a long time.

So yes, there was something odd going on, and not just because Dream was fighting agaisnt his friends Ink and Blue.

Blue was a lot like Dream, Nightmare surmised. The two of them liked to see the best in people. Even so, the small, Papyrus-coded skeleton fought without a single plea towards his friend.

Perhaps he had spoken to Dream earlier, and received no satisfying answer.

(At least he wasn't going all out) At least he was holding his own. (It wasn't right for Dream to hurt his friends) It would be annoying if Ink had to heal him again.

But Nightmare was intrigued, and also quite frustrated. Why was Dream causing such havoc? Did he not understand the balance was at stake becuase of it? Nightmare asked- or rather yelled- this to Dream himself, to which the other laughed cruelly.

"Why, I thought you'd be happy Nightmare! Me, spreading misery in the AU's just like you wanted so long ago. Do you not remember that?"

The guardian in question scoffed even as he had to yank Dust out of the trajectory of an incoming arrow; the things seemed to come everywhere, and Dream himself was armed with dazzling twin blades.

"Don't pretend this isn't what you wanted, brother, it seems so odd you'd fight against me-"

And there, in the lilt of Dream's voice, was something that wouldn't have made Nightmare freeze if it were not for the deadly rain around him.

And the shadow. The shadow danced with a grin. The shadow that perhaps indicated something more.

The shock must've shown on Nightmare's face briefly before it contorted to rage. "Do not call me brother." he seethed.

"Uh, Boss?" Came Killer's voice, "I don't think this is the time for family drama?"

Another voice piped up then. "I second that- can we get past the part where you disowned Dream or whatever and focus on not getting dusted?"


Nightmare scowled, "No you dolts. That's not Dream."

"Whatever do you mean?" Not-Dream said sweetly. But it was too late for that, now that Nightmare had recognised that tone, he couldn't un-hear it.

With a tentacle, Nightmare reached forward towards not-Dream and (oh gods oh gods please let him be wrong please don't be right) pulled the two of them almost skull-to-skull.

He searched Dream's orange-gold eyelights (too dark too tinted I knew it I knew it oh gods.)

"Show yourself Voice." Nightmare hissed, "What have you done?"

The body of Dream paused, and looked so very un-Dream-like that Nightmare didn't know how he hadn't noticed right away (why had it always been such a good liar so good at pretending).

"Why should I? This is fun."

Nightmare said nothing.

"Fine. But I did love using a real voice for once."

And then Nightmare was forced to take a step back. Orange faded to yellow in a blink, and the shadow that wasn't ever really a shadow contorted and shrunk until it was clawing at Dream's feet, climbing his legs, consuming his torso and arms and skull.

In Dream's place stood a jet-black version on him, with one glowing orange eyelight and painful smile. Dream's circlet, which once sat rounded and comfortable on the skeleton's head, now looked as contorted as the shadow had been before; all sharp edges and points.

And Nightmare did not look at this transformation and think oh, oh no this isn't right. This shouldn't he happening. I was the only one meant to bear this. I know how it feels and I would wish it on no one not even you. How did it come to this-

He did not think any of that. He did not say anything.

"What do you think of my new look?" Voice sneered without moving Dream's mouth, "Oh, and by the way, I go by Shattered now."

796 words

...Surprise? Y'all probably knew this bit was coming, and here it is! As the Avengers would say...

Were In The Endgame Now.

(As always comments, votes, and questions are appreciated and in fact encouraged!)

Sincerely, a fabulously flamboyant Fanta

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