A Deep Sadness (That You Can't Feel)

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Jaw set, Nightmare walked through shadow and found himself somewhere entirely new.

His eyelight glinted with a cold, hard, emotion he couldn't put a name to; not even with millennia of being the vessel of emotions such as these.

The rest of the gang, plus Ink, appeared through various means of teleportation and surveyed the land around them: It was, without a doubt, what used to be the underground (Snowdin, to be more precise).

Whole stalactites lay broken on the floor kicking up dust where they had fallen, and snow was scattered haphazardly amd unevenly accross the ground.

They had a moment of reprieve in the eerie silence.

Then came the arrows.

Crepitate and orange, the arrows came dancing from seemingly nowhere at all, raining down in an unforgiving hail like miniature lightning strikes.

But not aimed at Nightmare or the others.

They were aimed at Blue, who had just entered the cavern. He danced between them with a deadly beauty tinged with exhaustion, clearly having been here long enough that he could no longer teleport.

It was then that Blue caught sight of the new arrivals, and even Nightmare was disturbed by the fear in his eyelights. The momentary distraction proved deadly, because an arrow pungled deep into Blue's shoulder and he gave a bone-chilling cry. The small skeleton collapsed to a whimpering bundle.

Ink was there in an instant, painting a cover against the rest of the arrows with the paints he'd picked up before coming here, as Nightmare and his gang sprang forward to confront the oncoming perpetrator.

Nightmare could hear laughter echoing around them; deep and unsettling and altogether set in painfully recognisable tones as they advanced. Then, there, out of the hazy fog of dust and debri, stepped Dream.

Dream. But wrong. Wrong in a way Nightmare couldn't sense just yet.

"Hello brother. Happy to see me?"

"Never," Nightmare growled, and the fight began.

403 words

*laughs in Evil Author*

Okay but Fun Fact Time: Blue managed to hold his own against Dream for ages and Nightmare has to bring his whole gang???

Lolol get dunked on Blue is super strong and he could probably beat anyone if he really really had to but ma smol bean boi just doesn't know it. :(

Actually all Papyrus coded characters are all super strong but they're also super nice so there.

Sincerely, raisins and squashed flies in a biscuit

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