I Am A Monster. No, Really.

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Or maybe that's just my scuffed screen...

"Hey, Dream? You sure you're feeling okay?"

The guaridan in question sighed, looking up wistfully at the beautiful caverns of Waterfall. His gaze quickly dropped back to his lap, but Dream stayed silent. Cross shifted on the bench until he was looking directly at his friend.

"Look- I know it's not ideal that Nightmare found out that we- um- hang out or whatever, but it's not the end of the mulitverse. I don't think he'd actually hurt me..." Then in a small voice added; "At least, not badly."

"Why are you here Cross?" Dream finally looked at the black-and-white skeleton, but the intensity in his eyelights almost made Cross flinch.

"What do you mean?"

"Even when you could be in danger, you still want to come and talk to me. Why?"

It hurt to hear those words. But this wasn't about Cross right now, this was about Dream. So Cross pushed his thoughts aside. "That's easy Dream," he started, gently taking the other skeleton's hands in his, "It's because I care about you. Because when I'm with you I can't stop smiling. You're my best friend in this timeline and the next. I wouldn't give that up just because my boss is a huge jerk."

Alarmingly, tears welled in Dream's eye-sockets and he shook his head. "No. No it's not true. It can't be."

"Has It been talking to you again Dream? You know It just lies-"

"It's not about Shattered, Cross!" Dream pulled his hands back violently, choking on a sob, "It's about how no one really cares about me! My stupid magic is literally made out of positivity, no wonder people want to be around me - and now I'm putting you in danger! I was being selfish before... But I don't think you should stay anymore."

"Don't say that-" Cross gently repremaided, but was cut off again as Dream stood up, backing away.

"I mean it Cross. You can't talk to me anymore."

"Dream listen for a second-"

"I can't do this Cross!" Dream said, anger rising, "It's not real okay?! You should leave."

"Dream please just-"

The guardian's temper exploded and he yelled, "LEAVE ME ALONE. JUST LEAVE ME ALONE BEFORE I HURT YOU TOO!" Light blue magic cracked at his fingertips as if to summon an arrow.

The other skeleton stood now too, and took a step towards Dream.

Cross. I think we need to go- Chara hissed at the sight of Dream's sparking magic.

"I'm not leaving," Cross bit back. How could he? After all this time, did Dream think Cross would jsut abandon him?

"I Said Leave."

That- that wasn't Dream.

We've gotta get out of here now, idiot. This is getting really dangerous.

How did Cross not notice that Dream's shadow was a lot more solid than it should have been?


What Cross had assumed was a shadow was very much a corporeal being - and a very scary one at that. But the skeleton's feet were rooted in place as he stared with at Dream and whatever it was that was lurking behind him.

The- the not-shadow was apon him, and Cross thought he heard the sound of his own skull crack into the ground as he fell before he passed out cold.

So, so, cold.

I'm sorry Cross I love you I'm so sorry so so sorry I love you I love you I'm sorry I'm sorry Cross please im so sorry I love you I'm sorry please please I'm sorry Cross I love you I love you I love you I'm so sorry so so sorry I love you I love you I'm sorry I'm sorry Cross please I'm so sorry I love you I'm sorry please please I'm-

669 words

Again, ambiguous relationship. Could be platonic or romantic love!!!

Technically double update to make up for yesterday yw ;)

Sincerely, hummina hummina hummina hummina (come on guys it'll sound really funny-)

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