Man on Fire

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This chapter... I just... Well, I... see for yourself.

Man on Fire


"And to what do I owe the pleasure?" Enzo answered Damon on his cell phone. He and Charlie were on their way to meet up with Stefan and Elena.

"You don't happen to know where I can find a Traveler, do you?" Damon asked.

"You know Travelers, vagabonds and the like. Haven't seen any. Why?" Enzo asked sharing a confused look with Charlie.

"I've got two brain-dead teenagers who didn't realize two plus two equals one hijacked hybrid." Damon explained.

"Don't envy you there, mate."

"Well, field trip? I mean, I'm sure there's some salvage yard we haven't toured yet. I think it's a little too dangerous to let tweedledee and tweedledumber out of the house. Last think we need's another Traveler possession in our midst. So what do you say we get the band back together and you, me, and Charlie settle things our way?" Damon asked.

"Sadly, we've got to take a rain check. We're late to meet some people." Enzo said.

"What? Who?" Damon asked confused.

Before he could answer, Charlie grabbed the phone from his hand. "Love you!" She said and hung up the phone, putting it back into Enzo's jacket pocket.

"What was that about sweetheart?"

"Elena said, that Damon said, he didn't want to see her, hear her, talk to her, or look at her. I figure if he didn't want to hear her, then he wouldn't want to hear about her. And telling him that we're meeting Elena and Stefan would technically be what he doesn't want. I'm just being a good sister really." Charlie said.

Enzo smiled at her and laced his fingers with hers, leading them to the restaurant/café/bar place where Elena and Stefan were.


"Ooooo, studying, how fun!" Charlie said sarcastically as she and Enzo sat across from Stefan and Elena.

Stefan, although he didn't really want to see Enzo, was happy to see his sister's smiling face. Elena smiled and waved at her and Stefan said, "Hey, sis. What's up?"

"Oh not much. Just thought I'd see how my favorite doppelgängers are doing." She smiled at them.

Elena laughed lightly. "We're fine. Just trying to take my mind off of you know who."

Charlie waved her hand dismissively at her. "Don't worry about him. He'll pout for a few days and then realize how, 'lost he is without you,' and he 'needs you around,' and all that other romance novel crap."

"How comforting." Elena joked. Charlie tells you how it is, and sometimes it's a breath of fresh air. Besides, even Charlie can admit that her relationship with Enzo is one of those sweet romantic ones. Ya know, once you get past the killing and stuff.

"Besides, even if he doesn't, I'm sure Stefan here would gladly take his place by your side." Enzo commented earning a smack in the arm from Charlie and glares from Elena and Stefan.

"Don't you have some innocent human to kill?" Stefan asked, truly hating his presence.

"I do. But Charlie's here, therefore, so am I. You're stuck with me." Enzo smirked. At first he wanted her brothers to like him, ya know, make the family happy and what not. But now, he couldn't care less what Stefan thought about him.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2021 ⏰

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