Total Eclipse of the Heart

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More Enzo and Charlie time. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. You get to see more of Charlie and Enzo's relationship.


Total Eclipse of the Heart


Enzo woke up from the light streaming through the curtains. He was slightly dazed for a moment, still in partial sleep mode… then he realized where he was.

At the Salvatore boarding house… in bed… with Charlie. A giant happy, disbelieving grin spread across his face. This time last month, he was still with the Augustines with no chance of escaping anytime soon. Now, he's waking up, free, happy, and with the love of his life. Things can't get any better than this.

He looked over to Charlie's side of the bed to see she was still asleep, laying on her stomach with her arms tucked underneath her pillow. He took a moment to just watch her. To take in the beauty he had missed for the last 50 plus years.

She looked so peaceful and calm. She looked happy. Even in her sleep she had a slight smile on her face. His ego inflated a little at the thought that he had made her happy. Especially after last night…

No words could describe how he felt about it. Amazing, outstanding… mind-blowing, were just a few words that came to mind. He never expected it to feel that good. And it was their first time together. Well, it wasn't like they could be together in the cell. Um, ew. Not only were they held captive, in a cold dark cell, but they were also experimented on day in and day out… kind of a mood killer. Plus, her brother was in the cell next to them. Again, ew.

Of course he thought about what it would be like. Come on, he's a guy, it's inevitable. He'd had dreams of his beautiful blonde, fantasies is probably a more accurate word. But those dreams were nothing compared to how it actually felt. No dream or fantasy could ever live up to the feeling of her in his arms.

It wasn't just the act though. It was the emotion behind it. The overwhelming feeling of love almost suffocated the both of them in the most incredible way. The two truly expressed how much they loved each other. Enzo didn't think he would ever get enough of this gorgeous woman lying next to him.

He lightly traced his fingers over her face. Her rosy cheeks, perfect nose, amazing full lips that fit with his like puzzle pieces. If he could kiss her for the rest of eternity it still wouldn't be enough.

Charlie's lips twitched in a slight smile, in turn, causing Enzo to smile. Her eyes were still closed, still slightly groggy from being asleep, but she could feel Enzo staring at her.

"It's not nice to stare." She mumbled sleepily without opening her eyes.

"I'm not staring, I'm admiring. It's different." Enzo said pulling his fingers through her hair.

"How?" She asked starting to come out of her daze.

"Staring is creepy. Admiring is romantic." Enzo said loving how adorable she looked when waking up.

"Then I guess I can't complain." She said cracking open one eye to stare at the handsome brit. She had to fight to keep them open, his voice so soothing she could fall back asleep.

Enzo watched, still smiling, as her eyes slowly fluttered open to reveal her beautiful blue-green orbs still hazy with sleep. He could get use to waking up to this.

Enzo smiled at her sweetly. "Good morning Sweetheart."

Charlie smiled back at him. "Very good morning." She stretched her limbs, back arching slightly, trying to shake away the last remnants of sleep before turning towards him. Enzo admired her form that was covered by the sheet, feeling unbelievably lucky to be able to wake next to her.

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