Original Sin

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Original Sin


"It was just so vivid. I saw Stefan walking out of this bar. It had a red awning and this broken neon sign, and he was screaming in pain." Elena explained her dream that woke her up to Damon.

"Well, should I go check in the attic, see if there's a crystal ball? Maybe you can conjure up an address." Damon made fun.

"Route 29. Joe's bar." They heard Katherine from the bedroom door. "I think I had the exact same dream."


"So I've found 9 bars along Route 29, and none of them are called "Joe's." Damon said joining Elena and Charlie downstairs.

"I had a feeling that there was something wrong all summer, and I ignored it. But I was right. I know it sounds crazy, that I'm following some psychic dream, but it's the only lead that we have." Elena said.

"It doesn't sound crazy – it is crazy. But I'm open-minded." Damon told her.

"I don't care if it's crazy. We are going to search every freaking bar in the state if we have to but we will find Stefan." Charlie snapped. "I should've known something was wrong. He never just disappears without calling me. I can't believe I just wrote it off as him needing space." Charlie muttered angry at herself.

"Hey." Damon said putting his hands on his sister's shoulders to get her attention. "This is not your fault okay? It's Silas. I am going to find Stefan if it's the last thing I do. I promise you."

"Shotgun." Katherine called from the doorway getting their attention. "What? I get carsick in the back seat. Another charming, human side effect you stuck me with."

"Please tell me that she's not coming?" Charlie asked.

"Trust me, I have no interest in Katherine's well-being, but for some reason Silas wants her real bad, and if Silas wants her, I want her more." Damon explained.

"Can't we just stash her in the cellar? Or maybe a deep, dark well with a pair of water wings?" Elena offered.

"Do you really think that I wanna take a road trip with you, America's most boring, self-righteous vampire? Just remember, Damon wouldn't have to play bodyguard if you hadn't shoved that cure down my throat." Katherine complained.

"You were trying to kill me!" Elena exclaimed.

"I will admit, though, I take great pleasure knowing that you wasted your one shot at a human life on me." Katherine shot at her.

"All right, play nice, or I'm gonna revisit that deep dark well idea." Damon interrupted seeing Charlie's further growing frustration.

"I wanna find Stefan just as much as you do, and not just because I don't wanna be a pawn that you can trade off for his life. I care about him – I always have. But since you're having the same dream, it makes me think you care about him as much as I do." Katherine said trying to get under her skin.

"Okay, train's leaving the station." Damon said.

"Choo-choo!" Charlie said walking out the door.


The four were in the car with Damon driving, Elena in the passenger seat, and Katherine and Charlie in the back. As much distance between the two doppelgängers the better.

"You sure you know what you're looking for? Last bar had a read awning and a neon sign." Damon asked Elena. Charlie was in the back seat staring out the window lost in thought and he didn't want to disturb her right now.

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