True Lies

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True Lies



"Megan's memorial outside is growing by the minute." Elena said walking into the dorm room. Caroline was rifling through a box while Charlie was playing a game on her phone.

"Ugh, college kids are so dramatic. She was on campus for, like, one day. She couldn't have made that many friends." Caroline complained.

"Caroline, she's dead. You can stop competing with her." Elena told her.

"Sorry, I'm in a mood."

"You talked to Tyler?" Charlie spoke up.

"He's deferring from enrolling and deferring from returning my phone calls, so I'm deferring from having sex with him ever again." Caroline explained.

"Harsh, but effective." Charlie commented.

"How's the snooping going? Any explanation why our vervain-laced, vampire-slaughtered roommate had a picture of my dad on her phone?" Elena asked checking to make sure no one was listening.


Elena handed a folder to Caroline after remembering it. "Oh um, I went by the hospital this morning – Megan's death certificate. It says she died of suicide. No mention of the gaping vampire-bites on her neck. So, whoever signed off on the cause of death was part of the cover-up – just like the Founder's Council back home."

"You think they have a council of their own?" Charlie said putting down her phone and joining the girls. "I mean, it takes more than one person to cover up a death-by-vampire." The words 'council' and 'Whitmore' were not settling well with her.

"Dr. Wesley Maxfield." Caroline said reading the file. "If there is a council, then he's on it."

"He's also our Applied Microbiology professor. I switched our classes around, so that we could –" Elena was interrupted by Caroline.

"Applied – what, what? Uh, Elena we are supposed to be taking Intro. to Communication."

"Yeah, what happened to getting drunk and making bad decisions about boys? What happened to our fun freshman year at college?" Charlie asked her.

"I am supposed to be a drama major!" Caroline exclaimed.

"You're not going to be an anything major if we get exposed as vampires!" Elena snapped.

They all froze for a second realizing their conversation was growing in volume.

Elena smiled at the two. "We are still gonna have our fun year, guys, but we have to protect ourselves. The way Damon kept his secret in Mystic Falls was because he infiltrated the Founder's Council. So, bust out those alleged acting skills, and let's get on it okay?" Elena asked.

"I'm not a Drama major." Charlie mentioned.

"Okay then, use your skills of deception you've perfected over the last 100 years." Elena sassed.

"I'm good with that." Charlie said and they all smiled at each other.



Damon and Liz were standing at the quarry, where Damon thought he would be able to find Stefan when he got a call from his sister.

"Hey Mini D." He answered.

"Mini D?" She questioned.

"Yeah, for Mini-Damon. Come on, you may be Stefan's twin, but we all know you act more like me."

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