Chapter 22: Blue dew

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(Thalia's POV)
My heart kept screaming and going crazy with the fact that I'd be meeting Louis today, for a while I was actually angry at him. But after knowing all sides of the story the anger was pointless.
Hazel hatched a great plan, every Wednesday Louis would go to the park at late evening to take a stroll and cool off his mind, and mostly Hazel would be with him too, hanging out chilling.......The fact that they were so close and rarely leaves each other's side made me a little jealous. I was close with Harry but I wasn't in a position to hang around him all the time.
Coming back to today's plan, Hazel asked me to come to the part, so I can casually meet them.
The park was very silent and a little secluded, rarely I could see people there maybe that's why Louis chose that place, to blow off some steam, just past five thirty I saw Hazel and Louis just around the benches by one of the trees.
He was having a great time with Hazel, it seemed like they were discussing something funny.........and once they were silent with exhaustion with all their laughter I started jogging towards them, according to the plan I wasn't supposed to look at them and Hazel would shout out my name.
It was just a few minutes until I heard Hazel, 'Lou wait I think that's my friend...hey..hey Thalia', she was waving at me. Louis was cool with it too.
It was my time to act, I turned around waved back and started moving towards them, I didn't show that I saw Louis was there until I was a few steps away from them.
Shut the front door is that Louis Hazel?! I squealed.
'Calm down my dear....he's just human'
'Louis this is Thalia, and Thalia you obviously squealed so I don't have to introduce him'
'Thalia, that's a beautiful name', Louis smiled.
I couldn't believe the fact that I was interacting with Louis, and he likes my was so cool. I pointed out that it's associated with the colour blue and it also means dew drops.
'Okay okay enough with my name is beautiful, so Thalia what are you doing here?', Hazel continued.
I replied saying that I needed a break from a stressful situation and a friend recommended this location, as we had planned.
Louis was in deep thoughts, like he was trying to put one and one together to find out the two. Suddenly he said, 'so you two are friends, and one of you are blue and the other one is green?'
I was thankful he didn't look at me but Hazel, else I'd have stammered and ruined it.
'Yep, you got it right, we're "blue-green"', Hazel winked, I was so happy with the way she handled the situation.
'You spend too much time on Twitter', Louis finally talked with a wicked smirk on his face.
'Well you pay me to do so, I thought I must work for what you were paying'
'Okay okay, that's enough...we can continue this little game tomorrow. Now let's focus on your friend' Louis was so sweet, I felt like crying.
We then talked about how I and Hazel met, what I was doing, how long I've been a directioner, and even about other boys. Little did I know that Louis was still friends with Zayn and even talks to him in regular basis.........Hazel did warn me about a few surprises she had left out, but this was huge. The story outside was totally opposite.
We talked for almost an hour and he didn't even mind that I was a complete stranger for him, that's how much he trusted Hazel and her decisions. I felt proud.
Every now and then, whenever Harry's name would pop-up in the conversation Louis would give a beautiful smile with his cheeks all pink, he obviously couldn't hide it, but at the same time I could sense the hurt in his tone.
For example, I mentioned that I own a pair of socks from Harry's merch and one each had a blue and green heart, he just turned into this soft little baby, with his heart full of love.
'Hazel how come you never told me that?' Louis asked with pleading eyes.
'You never asked, and before you talk more, why don't we discuss all about it another day?' Don't worry Hazel didn't hide anything from me, she didn't want to make it too obvious to me in front of Louis, I knew everything actually.
After a while I said I had to go and left, I saw Hazel and Louis leave too.
As of what I learnt today, a soft nudge for Louis would be more than enough to get him and Harry back together, what's going to be tough is handling my dear friend Harry Styles.

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