Chapter 24: Liam

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Days passed and the girls couldn't figure what went wrong when Hazel met Harry. One actually had a suspicion but it was too silly to even consider. So she didn't bother telling it to her best friend.
Hazel was still bummed about Harry not liking her, according to her conclusion that was the reason, she feared after him and Louis getting back together she won't be able to meet Louis again, what if Harry wanted her out of the picture? But sometimes she'd just think that nothing about her was bothering him, but work pressure with several different projects to juggle, after all he was just another man.
The girls couldn't find time to meet and make a plan, so they'd call and talk for hours on Sundays, on one Sunday they finally agreed on a plan. They both had taken points on what Larry liked and wanted to do overtime. What was in the spotlight was ballroom dancing. They both loved the idea, but they needed someone or something in common for Harry and Louis to attend to. That's when Liam came into Hazel's mind, he talks to Louis very often, he's easy to reach out to and if they told him about their plan, maybe just maybe he would help and make it better.
She had to know whether Harry was still in touch with Liam, guess what? He was, just the other day Harry had told Thalia that him and Liam are going to meet and catch up. So it was finalised Liam was their go to guy.
Their directioner minds wanted more, just having Liam, Louis and Harry wasn't enough for them. What if they invited Niall and Zayn too? Niall would come, would Zayn? That remained a question until they met Liam.
'Oh my god Hazel I'm so excited' she really was.
'Chill girl, don't get overexcited you sound like Janice from FRIENDS', Hazel wasn't, the closer the day got, the more she feared how distant would Louis be from her. It was painful to her, physically she could feel the ache. The more she thought about it, the more she skipped her meals, she even began to lose weight.
Louis did notice it, he'd often advice that if it's a guy trouble, just to let go of it and start enjoying her life. She couldn't say anything to could she? Louis tried his best to keep her cheerful, and it did work, only when he was around, what about the time she shut the door of her room, sat in a corner and cried silently out of fear? No one could've known or guessed about it.
Hazel had Liam's number with her, often Louis would put his phone somewhere and forget about it and would borrow Hazel's. So she almost had all of his contacts in hers, but she was that kind of person who never bothered to look into it, and see who Louis would talk to or how long, to make it short she wasn't the stalker kind of friend, but a decent one.
But this time she had to cross the border a little, if it had to work, she must talk to Liam, she can't just walk up to his house with Thalia and knock on his door. She wanted to ask him about it and go see him in a way how regular people would do.
Through this narrative an image of Louis and Harry had been created as soft and caring, but Liam was even sweeter, he's the guy who you can call in the dead of the night and cry about your life and by the end feel good.
After long collected thoughts she finally called Liam,
'Hey, Liam this is Hazel. Louis' friend'
'Ooh Hazel, I remember you, you don't have to say Louis' friend every time. So what's up, everything going good?'
'Totally, it's all awesome, how are you. How's Bear.'
'All good all good, Bear is great, you might wanna come visit once with Louis.'
'Yes about that, I have something in mind and I need your help.'
'I'll do whatever I can do to help you. What is it?'
'Oh gee I can't explain it properly over the phone, is there a chance we can meet please.'
'I'll check with my schedule and text you, if it's okay with you.'
'Oh Thank you Thank you so much, you're awesome, and one more, can I bring another friend of mine? She's in on that too.'
'Why does it sound like you're going to do something big?'
'It is actually pretty big, we're doing it for the sake of our friends, they're your friends too, that's all I can say. So all good? Text me the time, if it's okay to come over to your place we'll drop by, if not we'll decide on a place. Thank you Liam we owe you a lot.'
'Don't say that, that's what friends are for, look I gotta go now, I'll text ya bye.'
'Thank you Liam bye.' He hung up the phone.
Ok Hazel sighed, next step done. She was one step closer to being two steps far from Lou.
A few hours later, Liam texted her the time, and said it was cool to come over to his place, she informed Thalia and they were all set to go full in into the plan.

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