Chapter 29: "I Love Her"

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' did this didn't you. I remember you now, you're the one from the coffeehouse. I saw it in your eyes the other day, all these, every single thing you did is to make sure I'm out of his life didn't you.' Harry was red with anger.
'What Harry no...that was not...'
'That's enough, I don't want to listen to any of your lies anymore', he didn't say that just to Hazel, he looked around the entire room.
'Hazza....that's rubbish', Louis stood behind Harry. He understood that one of them had to keep calm, before everything goes out of hand.
'Don't ever call me that again Louis, I'm not your Hazza anymore.'
'Harry this is ridiculous.....stop all this drama. Hazel had no such bad intentions as you think.' Liam spoke up, he knew Hazel a little personally as well. He knows she'd never do such a thing to drive them apart.
'Stop it Liam, this is between me, her and him.'
'If that's the case you shouldn't have started shouting while you're in the middle of the room.' Liam never had the patience to put up with such drama.
'Well then we'll take it over there, don't you dare follow us, Thalia you're coming too.' He gave it like an order and walked away, dragging Thalia by her hand.
Hazel couldn't move, she felt like she was trapped in her own body, unable to breathe, Louis walked up to her, 'Hey come let's  get this over with.'
'Louis I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have done this, I never expected it'd take such a turn.' She was already crying.
'Hazel, look here, look at me, it's not your fault, it's a huge misunderstanding that's all. When we walk in there and once we end that conversation, I'm gonna need all the strength in this world to even get up. Please, be strong for me, I need you with me right now.' It was true, he knew how it was going to end, and it was going to be so painful.
Hazel nodded, half sobbing wiping her tears away.
'Harry you've to calm down, you shouting is not going to bring anyone any good please', Thalia did her best she could do, but it was useless.
'Who's side you're on Thalia? Mine or hers?'
That was it Thalia shut her mouth and didn't open it again.
'Harry...what got into you, please we can talk about this properly. You just have to listen.'
'I have seen and known enough Louis'
'No you haven't, I still love you, is it not evident. Just please understand.'
'You still love me? You? You want me to believe that? I waited days and years waiting for one text text from you. Nooo........after all this time you just walk up to me and say you still love me?'
I'm sorry Harry, after our fight, I just figured we both needed some space to cool off, and after a while I just couldn't decide how long we needed, until I saw you again after all those years. Don't tell me you don't love me, I saw it I still do, I've seen your work, heard your songs. Yes, I hurt you I shattered it so bad it became beyond repair, but I know I can fix it. Please give me one more chance.'
'I can't Lou I just can't.....I've moved on and that's a truth you've to accept.'
Thalia's suspicion kept on growing when the conversation moved. It was about to become evident to her now.
'All this time when I was going through shit, there's only been one person with me, loyal to me, and I'd be an idiot, to not love her back'
''re talking about Thalia?' Hazel didn't look at Harry when she said this, instead she stared at Thalia.
'Don't you dare speak to me', Harry was pointing his finger at Hazel.
'Don't you dare point your finger at Hazel..Harry I mean it.' Louis defended her, 'now answer the question'.
'Yes I am speaking about Thalia, I love her okay, there hasn't been anyone in my life who genuinely cared for me.'
'No one? Not another soul who loved you more? Thank you Harry, you opened my eyes today.' Louis had no intention to stop him now, not anymore. He too had taken a decision.
Hazel and Thalia just stood there facing each other, Hazel was pale, and Thalia was red. They were utterly shocked and confused.
'I don't care what you have in your mind anymore Louis, I love Thalia that's it, the end', he turned back to Thalia 'come on we've no reason to stay here anymore.' He grabbed her by her wrist and dragged her out of there.
Everything went blank to Hazel, did her friend just ruin the plan? Why didn't she say anything? She has a boyfriend....she could've said something to Harry. Why did she follow him out in complete silence.

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