Way back when I Thought Someone Cared

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Let me tell you a sad story. It's really depressing to me. Not because it's SO heartbreaking... but because it's my story. And every word of it is true. I know it is because the event has been on a loop in my mind for the past 7 years. I wish some parts might've faded or become twisted in my memorizes but it hasn't and I'm stuck with the reality and truth of what happened on April 7, 2006.

April 7, 2006

It's a rainy, dreary, grey day. The worst time for us to travel. Not like it effects us or anything, it just scares me and makes me feel slightly more on edge and uncomfortable than usual. But of course that's because I'm so young. Shadows look like demons in my imagination and on a dark day like this everything seems scarier than usual. My mother and father are already downstairs with my oldest brother, Jason, routing out the trip. Troy is still asleep in the room right next to me despite our parents numerous hollers up to us. He's thirteen right now and it seems like lately he's always asleep and the time he's ever awake, he's with dad training. Training for what is something I don't know but it seems pretty important to my parents so it's important to me too.

Lately Troy has become a lot stronger and muscular might I add. We used to play together in the yard when I was younger. Of course by nature it was the type of rough games with shoving, running, but never any punches or anything like that. There was never any point or motive it was just something we did. That ended when he started training. The games were quickly put to a stop by my father. But we didn't listen and we played our same game one night but with a completely different outcome then usual. A trip to our pack clinic with a twisted ankle. At that point I realized that Troy didn't realize his own strength.

Nicholas was in my bedroom his bag prepacked the night before. Probably filled his favorite books and notebooks. He's one of those people who has a brain like a sponge. It just soaks up everything. He has big, black rimed glasses which I believe fit his personality so perfectly. At that time Nicholas was my absolute best friend. He was too young to go into training meaning he was to young to start changing.

"Dad is going to be upset when he finds out Troy is still asleep," Nicholas says his nose deep in a book while he sits still on my bed with his legs crossed over each other. Unmoving and unaware of his surroundings. I don't know what he'll do with him. Both Troy and Jason seem as if they are becoming more athletic in strong. What will he do with Nicholas who despises sports? More importantly what will he make me?

"Are you going to help me?" I yell at Nicholas. He looks up at me and laughs lightly dropping his eyes back to his book with a grin. I throw another item of clothing in my bag with a pout.

"You should've packed last night like myself," He says. Out of Troy, myself, and him he is definitely smarter. Troy is to consumed on being the best and beating Jason athletically that he doesn't focus on his studies. Even though Jason is four years older than Troy, Troy still believes that he needs to be better than him now. Which I could even tell at a young age was impossible. For two reasons 1.) Troy was substantially younger but I believed that even at 17 he couldn't stand a chance. That's my 2.) Jason just doesn't try, it comes natural. He went through the same vigorous training but it was easy to him.

Not more than fifteen minutes later our parents called us down because the journey was about to begin. Nicholas left quickly not offering me help with my backpack even though I didn't need it. I remember racing out of my room after him and hearing Troys silent snores from behind closed doors. Back at my young age I had been the nice one out of my siblings. Getting myself in trouble for the rest of them. No matter what, I believed that that was what family did. They protected each other no matter the cost to make sure no one was hurt. I was so wrong.

I didn't bother with knocking and instead went in and yelled at him jolting him awake. He stared at his alarm clock for a minute squinting at the time then he jumped out of bed realizing that we needed to leave the house in less then five minutes. He ripped open his bag and together we began randomly throwing stuff in it. He didn't change his shirt but instead just put on a pair of jeans that hung out of his dirty clothes bin.

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