Unanswered Questions

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Jayce's POV

I spent the rest of the night and morning trying to talk to her again but it was impossible. It worried me to no end that she had disappeared like she did right after I had felt the dizziness and lightheadedness. I wanted to know if she was ok. I needed to know if she was ok. I at least knew that she was still alive but I didn't know if she was in pain or being hurt. I knew that she was being hurt now after knowing that the images and the excruciating pain was coming from her.

I ran my fingers through my blonde hair again pacing back and fourth in Liam's room. I spent more time in Liam's house then my own. My brother and I still owned it but whenever I was there there was no way to ignore my parents absence. No way to not see all the family photos that lined the table by the door, or to not see kitchen where my mom spent most of her time or the big window in it that showed our backyard where out dad trained us and sometimes even my mom. There was no way to not go upstairs to my bedroom and ignore there master bedroom door still wide open at the end of the hall almost as if it was still awaiting their arrival. But they'd never come back. They'd never sleep in that bedroom again, or cook in that kitchen again, or mentor us in the yard. They wouldn't be here to remind us about the importance of being a leader and a warrior or to keep us safe from idiotic ideas or actions or to catch us in our lies and intolerable actions and they wouldn't be here to steer us clear from all the tempting bad in out world. They were gone and they weren't coming back.

Involuntary tears began to brim in my eyes but I quickly shake them away and remind myself that I won't cry. That I'm a warrior and I shake memories of my parents away. I can't save them but I would save my mate. Liam sits on his bed with a leather bound book in front of him. His eyes scan the page and every once awhile they lift up to study me. His ember eyes are full of concern and confusion but they couldn't match the concern and confusion in my own. When our eyes meet he quickly turns away as I realize my confusion is turning into anger and my concern is slowly becoming insanity. I needed to know what was happening to her now. I needed to hear her voice just say my name once in her reassuring tone and remind me that everything is ok. That she is ok and where to find her because I swear I would do anything to make the pain go away. I would.

I can't keep myself from pacing and that only annoys Liam but he stays silent. We had been at this for six hours now. Just like every other night I had been sleeping in there basement, even though they keep offering me the guest bedroom, when I finally found her. Found the source of the pictures and instantly I tried to talk to her but it wasn't that simple. In the beginning she wouldn't even talk to me but when she said her name I instantly knew it was her. My mate but my happiness momentarily died when I realized that her voice matched the one in my head. And with sickening realization I knew the pain had come from her when she confirmed the pictures were from her eyes.

And when I mentioned the pain I could feel how terrible she felt for ever doing such a thing to me and her apology was just too sincere as she begged for forgiveness almost as if I wouldn't give it to her. I had already forgiven her before she even opened her mouth. How selfless. She had been in that much pain for so much longer and it was more unbearable for her than me but she still only seemed to care that she had hurt me. And then she told me she wasn't ok and my heart dropped. I couldn't bare to hear that she was in pain or that someone dare put there hands on my mate nonetheless hurt her. It took all my energy to keep both myself and Rome calm enough for her to not feel my anger because I knew she'd interpret it as if I was angry with her and I never wanted her to believe that especially if she already wasn't ok. I didn't want her to focus or worry about me. I wanted her to worry about her and her safety. But before she could tell me what was wrong and who was hurting her, she blacked out. Leaving me more than uneasy and instead fearful, anxious, and tense.

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