Nothing Can Bring Them Back

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"It was another hard day. I trained today without Mason, what is that? A straight year in a row, right?" I questioned even though I knew I wouldn't receive an answer. My parents hadn't answered any of my questions now for the past two years. Why? Because they were killed two years ago by a group of rouges.

The bare trees hang all around, only starting to regrow there leaves, leaving spooky shadows that cover the ground. Good for me I'm not afraid of the dark. I haven't been since I was 6 years old. I look up at the two grey tombstones that sit side-by-side in front of me. Both decorated with multiple flowers that even two years later people leave for them. The one in scripted on the left said Lillian Silver and underneath it reads beloved mother, wife, friend, and Luna. And then next to it sits my father Michael Silver beloved father, husband, friend and Alpha.

To say I loved my parents is an understatement. My parents were the most important thing in my life. My protecters, teachers and trainers but their death scares me more than I have ever admitted to anyone but them. The fact is my parents were the absolute best warriors that I ever knew and they were killed by a group of werewolves who aren't even suppose to be a threat. Either my parents weren't the warriors I always saw them as or our rouge problem has become a lot more serious. And the worst part is even I know it isn't the first one.

With my conclusion I know that the rouges are becoming increasingly strong and more powerful than they've really let on. A real force to be reckon with. All I want is to protect my pack but with my parent's death, our pack started to fade. At first being the strongest pack in North America and now fading into unimportance. My fathers brother took his position as Alpha until me or my brother Mason could but I'm not ready and I have no clue what Mason even looks like nowadays. What I do know is my Uncle was not born to be an Alpha. He was born to be Beta despite the fact he always he believed that he lead our pack better than my father.

My brother Mason lives with Uncle Samuel. I used to too but things went very wrong one night and I left the next morning living with my fathers closest friend. When they died I knew i should've moved there anyway. Uncle Samuel and I never got along but more important Uncle Samuel and my father hated each other. And with his death Samuel got everything that he wanted. Including no longer not having to deal with my father as an obstacle.

I'll never forget the time when it was my parents funeral and I remember looking across the way and while everyone was suppose to have their head down in prayer. His head was up, his arms crossed over his chest, and a grin spread across his face. I just happened to lookup almost as if my father was lifting up my chin to show me to never trust him. And I shouldn't have. I can't believe that Mason still does. He disrespects my fathers name right in front of my face.

And worst of all he was genuinely happy about my fathers death.

A death I'd never fully get over.

"Yeah about a year. He's still living with Samuel and Samuel is still playing the role of Alpha. And he's a shitty one at that. He isn't an Alpha, dad. He's a disappointment to your name," I scowl into the darkness. The time ticking away close to ten o'clock. It's colder out then usual but still I sit here sweaty and shirtless right on the outside of our pack walls. Out of sight from everyone but so close to everyone, "And Mason is quick to become one too if he becomes Alpha, I fear. I can hear Uncle Samuel manipulating him into doing everything wrong. The two of them together will ruin our pack. But my biggest fear is I might too. I'm a warrior like you too but I'm afraid I won't be able to make the best decisions for this pack either. All I want to do is protect this pack, along with your legacy of course, but I don't know how to do that without either of you here."

We'll do a hell of a job as Alpha. And worse case, we can't be worse than Samuel. We are warriors and we want what's best for the pack. Two factors that every Alpha needs but your uncle never had. My wolf growls in my head. He'd appeared a little bit after my parents death and along with Liam, he's my best friend. I don't question my wolfs judgement but I did question the truth and the truth is I didn't know if I could be as good of an Alpha as my parents.

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