The Truth Revealed pt. 2

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Alexandra's POV

"When I was nine years old I was kidnapped by a group of rouges and I've been there prisoner now for seven years. I don't know where I am. No one does," And when I say that I can feel his entire spirit drop and his heart break. That breaks my heart in to a thousand little pieces. It was stupid of me to think that he'd still want to stay with me after this. That he'd stay with a mate who he'd never see or touch or kiss. Someone who might be thousands of miles away or maybe right next door. Someone who is a complete mystery with no chance of being solved.

His broken spirit breaks mine because even though my mind had constantly reminded me not to expect anything from him and to be aware of the inevitable, my heart believed that he would find me and save me from my misery. Instead I had broken him and any chance I had of ever getting out of here. I wish I hadn't said anything and had lied about it a little longer. Just so I could hear his voice one more time or have the feeling of my heart swelling in my chest. Just one more time. And I'd be ok for eternity.

Instead I had broken both of us by the complicated truth that was my life.

It is hard to understand what he's feeling. Definitely defeated and depressed about the fact that his mate is a lost cause with no chance of rescue. But I can't tell if he's angry with me or disappointed in the fact that I had let myself be kidnapped, leaving him forever alone and heartbroken like how I would soon be. If he's furious that I didn't tell him sooner or upset with the goddess herself for pairing him with me. If he's about to leave now or stay and wait for awhile longer until he figures that there's nothing he can do other than fall in love with another so at least he could be happy. He would leave too. Just like so many before me. The only thing that had ever stayed with me was my own misery. Nothing else.

The silence stretches on for seemingly forever. I didn't know wether or not to try to say something to him or leave him to his own thought but as the silence stretched on the more insecure I was becoming. The more my hands begin to shake uncontrollably and my wolf wants to cry. I can't stand it much longer without completely breaking down until I suddenly hear him sharply inhale.

"I'm going to kill every last one of them. Anyone who laid a finger on you will have every bone in their body broken. I swear. I will kill them all for hurting my mate!" He roars in rage as I feel the intense anger in his body pour into my own self, a feeling I'm not used to possessing. I shiver in discomfort and from the coldness that nips at my exposed skin and I realize I'm curled up in a ball on the concrete without clothing. My clothing that I had on previously are shredded and I quickly take them and stuff them into my pillow before pulling on a new set of clean clothing, "They're all going to pay for hurting you!"

I let out a shaky breath. I can't remember a time where someone has been as furious as Jayce didn't hurt me but instead was mad about the fact that I'd ever been hit. I wrack my brain for what to say. Wether or not to lie and tell him I'm ok or attempt to comfort him. Neither seems very good considering he can feel my emotions and tell I'm lying and I know my words won't comfort him because I know if the roles were reversed nothing would comfort me if someone was hurting him. Still I settle for the idea of comforting him instead of lying because it feels like acidic words burning my vocal cords, throat and mouth.

"Jayce, please calm down," I plead not liking to hear him in such a fiery rage. I hear him inhale sharply and then let out a deep breath attempting to calm his nerves.

"How can you ask me to do that? How can you ask me to be calm when my mate is being beaten almost to death? It's impossible for me. I just want you safe and away from all of those savages," His tone is kinder but anger is still apparent. I understand but I needed him to calm down and realize what he needed to do.

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