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Daniel's POV

Shattered glass surrounds the table, well actually it is everywhere in the house. A window in the living room is broken and a cold breeze blows inside it. Our leather couch now has multiple slices in it from claws which were shown in a battle. The coffee table that sat in front of the couch is now broken, all four of its legs which once supported it have now been snapped underneath a weight followed by a crushing blow. I have to find a way to clean up this mess by the time my father gets back if he ever does but my main priority now is to keep Troy here instead of outside of our packs walls because if he got loose I'd be afraid of what damage he'd cause this year.

Last year he put two men in the infirmary and one child too. Soon enough he ended up there himself close to dead. Every year at this time it happened, on this day he'd loose his mind.

Only one light was on in the entire house and it hung over the wooden table casting a golden, eerie glow over the table. Troy sits on the opposite side of it. His head is held down in defeat with his bruised fist balled up next to him. One's enclosed in a hand cuff that stays clipped to the leg of the table. His face looks worse than my own and that would only make sense seeming that I won our brawl that had taken place in my living room only hours before. I would be lying to say that I wasn't proud of my victory against such a worthy adversary but my usual taunting and bragging would only get me killed tonight.

Tonight was the night of remembering and reflecting for the Mason's but for Troy this was a night of reckless behavior and violence.

As his best friend and brother, I decided to do all I could to not only protect him tonight but also my soon-to-be pack. As much as Troy was a brother to me, I wouldn't allow him to terrorize our pack on the one day where his emotions took control of his conscience.

His expression is cold and pissed. A small circle of blood has pooled on the table underneath him and grows bigger as blood continues to fall into it. He lets his brown hair falling into his face. I look across at him, any other day I'd be grinning at his defeat but today wasn't most days instead I keep a straight and serious face. His eyes flash up to mine and glare at me in the dim light. His once grey eyes are now a golden color showing that his wolf is still in control of him making him just as dangerous as hours before but as the night becomes morning I know that he'll begin to regain control.

"Daniel, I swear to God you better unchain me from this damn table before I break the fucking thing," He growls at me and I look at the hand cuff with the smallest grin. He growls again showing me his protruding canines as a threat. I scowl at them and scoff at his remark which only angers him more.

"As soon as you regain your control I'd be happy to," I say simply without taking my eyes away from his malicious glare.

"Unchain me now!" He roars and I don't flinch at his holler but instead act as if I didn't hear it, "Daniel I'm warning you. You better take this handcuff off of me now before I break loose and we will both have a big problem on our hands," I growl at his threats. I'm the soon to be Alpha and I shouldn't be taking threats or demands from anyone in my pack especially from my soon to be Beta but still I rise from my chair and uncuff him in fear of what he'd do or who he'd hurt if he got loose. One of the first things I learned about Troy was the fact that his wolf is unlike most others and is fiery, reckless, and dangerous which meant I could never underestimate Troy's strength. As long as he was in control, he was fine but as soon as his anger rose to a certain level he became a monster and if he was given enough time; he'd become a murderer.

"Happy now!" I yell. I remain standing blocking his only exit... unless he was planning on leaping from the window. His yellow eyes eye me but I realize they aren't looking at me but instead the exit which is behind me. I growl a warning at him but it doesn't do much. I wasn't intimidating to his wolf. But in all fairness to myself nothing was intimidating to his wolf. He snarls at me with his razor sharp teeth still showing. I don't flinch like I want to because the fact that a blood thirsty killer is control of Troy means that any fight between us could lead to either of our deaths. Worst part is if he did kill me he'd never forgive himself, become lost in his emotions, and turn into a psychopath for the rest of his more than likely short life. It was a miracle I had not only kept my life when we had fought earlier but had also won when he had such an advantage over me.

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