Chapter 5

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"Oh uh! Jungkook! I have works to do! Omaigoddd Jin hyung must be mad at me!" Jimin exclaims as he just remember that his work shift ain't over yet.

"Jungkook, I need to go. See you later! Bubye!" Jimin says hurriedly, not giving a chance for Jungkook to say anything and starts running back to Jin's cafe.

"Jimin! At least give me your number!" Jungkook shouts as Jimin is already far away.

"You can come to the cafe again for that. I need to hurry now. I'll see you later!" Jimin replies before disappearing behind the wall. Jungkook just stands there laughing at his adorable Jimin. He'll definitely come back to the cafe.

Jimin ran as fast as he can and finally reaches the Moon cafe. He's out of breath and walks into the cafe hoping that Jin hyung won't notice him.

"Where did you go chimchim?" Taehyung's voice suddenly beams in the cafe.

"Warghh what the fish Kim Taehyung! You scared me! Where the freak did you come from huh!" Jimin snaps, startled at his best friend's sudden voice.

"Of course, you won't notice me you stupid adorable brat! Why did you come in sneakily like a thief huh?" Taehyung asks as he looks at Jimin suspiciously.

"I urmm... I..." Jimin doesn't even know why he is scared to tell Taehyung that he went out to see Jungkook. Maybe he's scared because of the kiss they've shared.

"I what Mr. Park?" Taehyung asks while crossing his arms to his chest and wriggling his eyebrows,

"Fine. I was with Jungkook," Jimin finally gives in while sighing knowing he can never lie to his bestie.

"Why are you with him? On top of that, you still on your shift," Taehyung asks, a little bit annoyed knowing Jimin was with Jungkook as he doesn't really like that Jungkook guy.

"Taetae please. I'll tell you when we go back home. Okay... I promise," Jimin plead while flashing his puppy eyes knowing Taehyung will listen to him.

"Fine. I'll wait. You promised. Don't break that. Get back to your work chim," Taehyung gives in and pats Jimin's hair. Jimin breathes gladly as Taehyung listens to him and gets back to work. 

Suddenly a loud voice can be heard through the cafe,

"Hello everyone! Your hope is finally here. Enjoy your dessert and drinks. Have a nice day everybody!" A loud voice says, making the whole cafe startled but goes all smiley when they realize who's that person.

"Jung Hoseok! How many times do I have to tell you! No need for that dramatic entrance. You scared my customers!" Jin nags at Hoseok while smacking that loud guy.

He's always like that. Entering the cafe with his loud voice. Thank God the customers who know him very well just went with it. Hoseok's cheerful personality made the customers in Jin's cafe love him. He literally the human charge ball.

"Ow ow ow fine! I'm sorry. I couldn't help it okay. It's my nature to do so. Besides, your customers love me, Jin~," Hoseokdefends himself while rubbing his hurt arms. Jin just sighs since Hoseok is right. His customers really love Hoseok's cheerful vibes.

"Hobi hyung!" Jin and Hoseok get startled by a sudden voice that is so high pitched. They know it well who's the owner of that voice. They turn around and see a small boy running towards Hoseok while giggling cutely.

{Completed} My Beautiful Affliction [Jikook]Where stories live. Discover now