Chapter 60

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Jungkook is currently explaining their game to his men while VMin and Yohan are in their own world. Jimin asks HopeJin to listen to Jungkook's explanation to prevent them from manipulating the rules.

"Just try it!" Taehyung says to Jimin as they stand a bit far away from the group.

"Are you sure it'll help? Man~ I can't even jump properly," Jimin says when they told Jimin to jump as high as he can because it'll help to reduce the pain in his ass.

"Of course, it'll hurt but you'll get used to it and it'll be less painful. You need to run for this game, Chim. I thought you hate losing," Taehyung provokes Jimin using the game.

"Just try it, Min. I'm sure it'll help," Yohan says when Jimin looked hesitant.

"Fine, I'll do it. I don't want to lose," Jimin says and they hold each of Jimin's hands to support him. Jimin then jumps as high as he can and when he lands on two feet, the pain struck like hell making him grit his teeth and shut his eyes closed, shrinking to his spot as the pain spread all over his body.

"Damn man~ that's hurt as fuck!" Jimin says while gritting his teeth, tightening his grips on Taehyung's and Yohan's hands making them also shrink in pain because of Jimin's strong grips.

"Wahhh~ but it helped tho. I mean, the pain faded and I feel a little lighter than before," Jimin says when the stings fade making Taehyung and Yohan laugh their ass off.

"Let's do it one more time," Jimin says and reaches out his hands but the two men quickly hug each other, avoiding Jimin.

"No!" They snap in unison. Jimin's grips are hella strong and they hurt so badly.

"Come on, I can't be the only ones who feel the pain," Jimin says and glares at them making them slowly give in and listen to Jimin. Jimin does it again and the same thing happened.

Jimin doesn't want to believe it but his ass is not hurt like before meaning that the technique Yohan told him is working. Three of them collapse on the floor due to laughing so hard but in a mute version since they don't want to disturb those people.

"Silly! This is your idea making me suffer like this!" Taehyung smacks Yohan's arm while they are laughing.

"Silly! Why did you grab us that tight!" Yohan smacks Jimin's arm making them keep laughing harder.

"Don't hurt my soulmate, you silly!" Taehyung says and launches himself to Yohan but stupidly trips on Jimin's leg making him fall on top of Yohan just to make them wheeze even harder.

"Why are we... So stupid..." Jimin wheezes seeing Taehyung and Yohan.

"Ackk!" Jimin lands on his back when Yohan and Taehyung launch themselves on him.

"I don't know what makes this funny but I can't stop laughing," Jimin says while laughing with them on top of him.

"Because you're silly!" Taehyung says and they are literally out of breath, laughing too hard.

"Shut up! Even your voice is funny," Jimin says while holding his stomach.

"Enough, silly! Save your energy for the game," Yohan says as his laughter slowly turns down.

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