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Brandy Mae

What the fuck I'm I doing? Is the question running through my mind. It's not in reference to me sitting in Judds car and him driving like it hurts him to step on the throttle. I swear I just saw a tortoise pass us.
My question is in relation to me.

This is really not me at all. How many times I've I told myself that I don't want to be in this exact situation?
  I'm just going to look at this as a means to an end. I always wanted to go to hookers house, he's dumb enough to spend his night just driving to an abandoned house. Seems like a good bargain to me.

"Why are we doing this again?" I turn to face him from the passenger seat of his crappy car. It always catches me off guard how handsome he is. Especially now when it's dark. The street lights seems to be hitting him at just the right angles. Like he's posing for them or something .

Fuck 'em street lights.

"Brandy Mae.., we're making memories." He drawls . Deep voice and all.
My breath catches for a moment before I quickly turn around and look at the darkly lit streets .
My brain knows this is a bad idea but my heart? That motherfucker ain't even with me.

We pull up infront of the huge abandoned house.
Nobody really knows why it's been abandoned. Rumor is that the owner collected loans from some loan sharks and he was unable to pay , so one day the loans sharks raided his home and ran him and his family away. That might be the true story, but this is Africa, there's always a black magic story to tell . So the alternate story, the one most likely to be told to anyone who asks is that the guy sold his soul to the devil .
That is he took juju to make him rich.It doesn't help that one of the kids in the family developed some kind of mental illness right after the family started getting rich. Now the story goes to say that the boy was supposed to die , but he didn't, so the sacrifice was not complete. Since the deal between the juju person and the family was not complete, he ran them out of the house. How did he or she do it? He started attacking them Haunting of Bly manor style.

If you ask any old person, they will swear on how they've seen tiny black gnome like ghosts patrolling the compound .
All I know is that the family now lives in a two bedroom rented apartment near the bus station, Their other son walks around the town center begging for menial jobs, their one daughter is a well known Ashawo( prostitute)and the mother is my customer.
Nobody knows the whereabouts of the man of the house.
I actually tend to believe the old people's story because of two things; one, that family just rose to wealth instantaneous and two, when the mother is drunk, she blabs to anyone who's will listen to her about how her mother in law,in conjunction with her son, went to Mombasa - if you don't know about Mombasa and black magic, all I'm going to tell you is never adopt or even dare to pet a street cat. It might be Fatima or Musa in disguise-and brought home juju( black magic), which took her son's sanity. It's actually a very sad story to hear her tell it. Especially when she starts wailing 'Wachawi! Wachawi na majini!!! Waliroga mtoto wangu!!!!!'( witches and black magic!!!. They bewitched my son)!!!

I wasn't prepared for how dark the place is, but it seems like Judd came prepared. Atleast he brought his phone which has a torch light.
He shines it on the front steps as we walk towards the place that once held a door .

"So why didn't you ever come here? Nobody invited you," he asks as we go up the steps.
He asked it with a tone that said, I know that's not true but it's actually true. The place became famous when I was dating or was in a situationship with Noah and the bastard never invited me.
"I could never get a private booking till now ." I tell him , as I stand just a few steps from the threshold.

He does an exaggerated bow, "Well miss consider today your lucky night. The castle is all yours."

"Are you going inside,? " he shines the torch light inside but it doesn't go far.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02 ⏰

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