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Brandy Mae

Fuck you Noah! Fuck you Judd Kidd and also a gigantic fuck you to you Mrs Davidson.

May the three of you have such a bad constipation that the next time you take a shit it tears your asses apart.

That is my wish for today.

Who does Noah really think he is? Coming to me with his 'I want us to be together' bulshit.

This is not high-school where I might have developed feelings for him simply because he let me wear his oversized letterman jacket-In public.

Granted that I only wore it for fifteen minutes and only two of those were in public and most of the population was nowhere in public because it was raining like hell, but they are the only ones I like to remember.

The day I officially met Noah Phillipe, and I say officially because for some reasons, starting with me hanging out with the bad kids or the outcasts, spending most of my free time in the little nooks of our highscool teaching boys how to kiss their girlfriend and lastly, generally hating Noah and his little pose of church girls and boys because they always acted like their shit didn't stink because they hadn't pulled their heads from their asses to smell the difference. Noah and I had never had any encounters. How I wish it had remained so.

On this one rainy afternoon , during my last period I had received a note from Cameron Jonas asking me to meet him at our usual spot. The spot was the corner behind the smelly girls toilets. Cameron had a girlfriend-Martha James or popularly  known as the girl with a purity ring the size of a medieval times crown, so Cameron had to get his pleasures somewhere else. This is where I came in. The one known as the girl who would likely sleep with the whole male population before she was even legal. I was owning that title like Mike Tyson owned his lisp. I bet you thought I was going to say how he owned his undisputed heavyweight champion. No Thweetheart. The. lisp

After enduring Cameron's wet kisses, painful unskilled teenage boy probing  with his fingers and their fucking uneven long nails in my privates, receiving two bars of Toblerone for the pain endured, Cameron instructing me to wait for 15 minutes after he'd left for me to come out because Godforbid if virgin Martha saw us together she'd hang Cameroon by his balls. But she'd have to touch them and that was number one in her virginity till death pledge. She'd hung him by his toes or eyeballs

So, I came out to find that not only was it raining, but the bus had already gone. I was used to the bus leaving me part. The rain part put a ding on things. I couldn't walk all the way home in the down pour.

Fuck my non existent will to say no to boys and chocolate.

I was standing under the shade of the the main entrance to the school, furiously chewing the fuck out of the chocolates and  cussing my mom for not giving me an allowance that allowed me to buy expensive chocolates and candy like the other kids and also contemplating if Cameron was worth me suffering through this rain for. He wasn't. The thrombing pain between my legs said so.

Someone rushed by me, shoulders hunched, head bend low and already using a size large red a huge letterman jacket to protect themselves before rushing into the rain.

"Hey!" I shouted to the person for no particular reason.
I didn't even think the person heard me over the rain, but he stopped and turned to look at me. 
When I saw that it was Noah shtick up my ass Phillipe, I started looking around, pretending like I wasn't the one who'd shouted. Until he ran back to where I was standing.

"Are you waiting for someone?" Noah asked and my first thought was wasn't I always waiting for someone? Be it my deadbeat dad to come , be it for my mother to realize that she was drinking too much or be it just for a boy to send me a note saying 'did you do something to your hair?It looks pretty instead of 'are you a drill sergeant cause you got my privates standing attention. '

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