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Hi, welcome to my new book.

I'm aiming to write this cute, funny modern day kind of love book.
If you by any chance you find this book interesting and worth a read, please share it with your friends, share it in your book club or even share it with your gym instructor..

Also, just to put it out there, I'm also working on another book called DANCE BABY DANCE, please check it out..BUT don't abandon this book just because you find the other one more interesting...ookkkuurr? (sips pepsi)



Last week, on my twentieth birthday, I lost my best friend.

For starters, the day did not begin with me knowing that I was going to lose my best friend. In fact it begun in the most ordinary way . I say ordinary because if you knew Casper and I, you'd know that some of our days begun in a very not ordinary way.

The clincher? It was all my fault.

In fear of forgetting the mess that is or was my life, against all my sanity and most importantly the need to punish myself over and over again,I often find myself going back to that day.

Like now, In the dark abyss of the skies, with only voids of darkness as my view from my window seat  of  probably the crappiest airplane ever,7200 miles away from where it all happened,  weeks of sleepless night battling my body, ignoring the ever present gut wrenching ,lumpy choke hold  sensation in my throat, I curl into my seat and go over what happened on that day.

So, my mother who also doubles as my manager woke me up at the butt crack ass hour of six am to remind me that she expected me to report to her Brentwood office in the next hour for a meeting.I groaned- Part in annoyance and part in pain- because my whole body felt like I'd let a vengeful bitch walk all over it with sharp hooker heels- Don't ask how I knew how that felt.  She made it clear I was not to be a minute late.

I went back to sleep and made a point of arriving an hour late(just to remind her who was the superstar here),still nursing a killer hangover from a major late night drinking binge.

My mother ordered one of her many assistants to fetch me a coffee, then business begun.
We went over the details of two magazine photoshoots that were supposed to happen later in the day.
We compared, agreed and disagreed on the numerous brands that wanted me to promote them, my songwriter presented the new songs he was working on for my new album that was scheduled to be released before summer ended- my manager/ mom had a lot to say about the songs. I didn't have anything to say- as always.
They wrote, I sang, life went on.

So as she said what she had to say, I excused myself from the meeting and made my way to the washroom to finally get rid of the alcohol that had been churning and burning in my stomach all morning with mad frequencies, threatening to make a messy appearance on the huge black mahogany table in my mother's conference room.
What a sight that would have been!

I returned to the meeting looking and feeling even worse than I had left. My mother  looked at me and twisted her face into a look that could only be described as utterly with high tones of disapproval and disgust. She sighed heavily and ordered another assistant to get me some food.
I was about to say something along the lines of coffee would be fine and I didn't think I could keep anything down but I didn't think my mom or any of her assistants for that matter would actually hear a word coming from me.
They were already used to this part anyway. It was a kind of a silently rehearsed play with a title called ; Ignore him- the life of every kid superstar to have ever lived.

As I tried to chow down  the spicy Chinese cup noodles , The manager of one of the networks that ran purely on the most dramatic, most scripted and mildly entertaining reality shows  networks called about the reality show idea he'd been pitching to my mother for the last two years. My mother, for some reasons known to her, which I didn't care to find out,  declined the offer with of course the usual Hollywood brush off . My people will talk to your people .

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