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Brandy Mae

After Norah is done being Noah's little fetch dog, I pick Romeo from the park, make sure he's fed and leave him at her care.

Wednesdays are not the best day for the alcohol business.

For the two hours Dirty Bastard has been opened, I have yet to receive any customer.

The idleness has left me thinking about things I don't want to think about. Like Judd Kid and his candy chewing teeth.

That guy is just so.. I don't even know.

He's just so Hollywood.

With his black hair, his sharp cheek bones, his cocky smiles, his arms full of tattoos , his effortless charms, his perfect teeth and yes I'm going to admit this only once, his ' please ravish me right here and right now' gorgeous body.

The boy was made to be famous and an attention grabber. 

If I were my younger self right now, he'd have had me the moment he flashed  his pearly whites at me.

Due to previous encounter and experiences, I've come to learn that guys with  good teeth ain't shit.
They think just because they can afford monthly dental care and check ups , we peasants should bow in their majesty.

Judd Kidd....mmmh..Prior to meeting him face to face, I didn't even know how he looked like.

Yes, I've heard his songs but due to things like working every single day to make sure my son does not sleep hungry and trying to minimize the electricity bill, I can't remember the last time I sat down to watch entertainment channels to get the scope of who is who in Hollywood. He could have told me he's Kate Winslet  and I would have believed him. I don't know who Kate Winslet is either.

Anyway, not to toot my own horn or anything, but I know if I wanted him, I could get him.
Guys - especially Hollywood guys with infuriating smiles and devastating good looks are only interested in playing with other people's emotions.

It's been a while since I've been with a guy that way but they say it's like riding a bicycle.
Once you know the drill you can't unknow.
Have never had a bicycle, I don't know how to ride a bicycle, but I've ridden on other things enough times that if I hopped on the Judd Kid tricycle, I'd ride him to climax.

"A penny for your thoughts?"

Well think of the devil and suddenly he's sitting in front of you.

I would blush at my thoughts, but I haven't blushed since I was a kid.
I've seen too much, heard too much, that something like blushing would be mutiny.

"What are you doing here?"

"Is that how you welcome clients Brandy Mae? No wonder this place is the hottest joint in town. Five star hospitality." He says in a mocking tone.

"My five star professional hospitality is reserved for those who are buying something. What can I get you kind sir?" I flash him a huge smile.

He fidgets in his seat, casting his eyes on all the bottles behind the counter.
"I..i..need to go." He stammers but does not rise from his seat. He's staring behind the counter with an hungry look and his Adams apple is bopping up and down.

"Are you ok?" I stand in his line of sight.

He doesn't even register my presence. He left hand digs feverently into his bomber jacket pockets and comes out with a packet of m&ms.

In the few encounter we have had, he's always had a packet of them in hand.
Maybe he's addicted to candy.

"Judd.. Judd are you ok? What's wrong?" I lean over the counter top to  look at him closely.
His face is covered in a thin layer of sweat, his eyes are very wide and spaced out and his hands are shaking terribly.

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