The kiss

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After eating with Newt and Minho I was really confused on what to do next.I mean i have been here for a day and don't have a job jet.
"Uh,,Newt, what di I do now?" I asked, blushing at such a stupid question.

He smiled and looked down at me. Him having to look down, just to look in to my eyes made me realize how short I was compared to him.I huffered and crossed my arms.
I stood on my toes and tryed to be taller but he still towered over me.HE smirked and ruffeld my haire at my attempt. "I sweare you are adireble no matter what you do."
He chuckeled and raped his arms around me, pulling me into a akward hug.

I blushed at the action, but shook my head "I'M not CUTE!" , I argued trying my best to ceep a strate face.

"What ever you say Love, now come on we have to go , figure out what job suits you best.", he said grabbing my hand and pulling me out the dore.
**He must be my Guide since Alby isn'T showing me around today**

Butterflyes rose in my stomach as his gripp tightened around my small hand, I felt my cheeks flush. He grined when he saw me rurn pink and to make thinge enen worse...he bent down.. and planted a kiss on my cheek. **WHAT!! OMG NEWT just freaking kissed Me!**
I froze in pleace, as I began to processe what had just happened.My face lt uo right i clould se the coloure from the corner of my vision.I looked up at him and frowned.
He looked at me in confused and a little hurt.

"What's wrong?", he asked

"You had to bend down to kiss my cjeak, I'm sp short!", i grummpled, kicking rocks awy

Suddenly I was quite interested in the ground, as he looked at me.I wanted to know what he was thinking because he staied quiet and just looked at me.I kicked diet up making it fly everywere,
in the atempt to protect my eyes i closed them. And when i opened them Newt stood there smirking at me.
"What?", I aske a little worried
"NOthing Love, you just have durt on your nose.", He said and whiped it of with his thumb.  **How imbarissing**

I smiled still acknowleding the fact, that he hat to bent down to get in eye level mich me.I pouted and looked awy. I wondered how tall I actually am...or what I looked like,since a actually couldn't remember my look.
I snapped out of ma trans, when Minho ran by yelling something.

"EY Newt! You just gona stand there like a shank or are you gonna kiss your glader girl?",the boy yelled running towards the homestand.

Newt glared at Minho and I giggled at his expression.
"Well, Minho is the sass queene here for sure, Hes so stuped", i giggled as I talked.

Newt smiled and chockeled a little him selfe. "Yeah, he really is something..."

**I should do something! I could kiss him that would be a nice turn of events**

"Well now that Minho mentioned it. Are you gonna kiss me or not?", I giggled as I smiled up at him.Suddanly having regret said that..

"Well...I-I don..wai- I", He stuttered in shock

NOt really shure of what I was doing, I stood on my Tiptoes, reached for him and pulled him down. As our lips collided, my stomach was bursting with butterflyesas my hart did flips.
I nearly exploded, when he kissed me back, Newt wrapped his arms around my wais, keeping me in place.I let my fingers glide through his haire, tangeling thin in it.
THe PERFECT moment untill..I heared a whistle

Newt and I breake apart and turn to see Minho clapping and smirking.

"Man was I waiting for this to happen", he said loughing.

I stood there glaring at him, making his smikle soon fade **I can't belive this shunk!**

He turnd around and started sprinting..
"Get your ass back here!", I yelled as I chased him around the glade.   Other glader started cheering, as Minho ran for his life.

"Get him Love, show no merci!", i heared Newt yell and I blushed at his words.

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