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Finnaly I fineshed trying out for all ot the jobs and man was I happy. I wa sso relived it was finally done. I hated everything I tried, I was to untallented for gardening, and I only got to be a slicer for about five minutes.
THis is because I couldn't cut the meat right, I got attached to the animals too much and couldn't watch them gettin killed, I almost piked when I smelled that fresh dead animal smell.
Either way, there is no way in hell that I am working in the bloodhouse.
Being a track-hoe, or gardner, is a definite no, Zart would agree with me.I ruined the flowers that were just planted, smasched a ton of tomatoes, and ruined the ground with a rake. After that Zart
threttened my life if I should ever just set foot in the gardens again.I figured my life was more important than some job, so I listened and left.I went up the tower to be alone for a bit.

None of this jobs seem to fit me. I'm bad at gardening, can't stand the bloodhouse, can't build especially not with Gally.And I deffenetly can not be a runner , I am not that fit.The only other option was to be a medjack,slopper.

The more I thought about the more I realizzed I really am not good at anything.

"Why am I so useless!!" I Yelled and tossed a rock of the side of the tower.

I tossed a nother and heared someone curse below.L peered over the side ot the tower to see GAlly glaring up at me and rubbing his head.

"Aahhh...shuck!",I whispered and climbed down the ladder.

I walked to Gally and looked him straight in the eyes.He was so much taller than me, so he scared me a little when he came closer up.

"I'm so sorry for hitting you.I really didn't mean to I sweare", i said looking a little ashamed.

He just growled at me and came even closer
"Listen to me shank.Just because your a girl doesn't mean I won't hurt you.I won't go easy on you. The others may but I won't!", he said and stared into my eyes.

I gulped and stared at him in shock.There is no way I am backing down this shank though, no  atter how scared I really am.

" Just because your a boy i'm not gonna back down to your authority. Its not like you have one anyway!Steer cleare of me Love because you will be the one in trouble if you evev do as much
as catch eyes on me" I said while smirking, feeling confident


By now there was a small crowd around Gally and I.

I growled and shoved him back. He stumbled over his own feet for a second, but quickley regained balance.I chuckeled a little and wauted for his next move. In a flash Gally had me pinned to the ground.I gasped as my back hit the ground with a loud thud.
As soon as I had made contact with the ground he pinned me and wildly started punching in on me. Gally punched and hit every inch of my bdy that he could reach.
My head was throbing and i could feel blood running down my temples.

I closed my eyes and waited for it all to be over.To my surprise, the punching actually stopped after a while.

I opened my eyes...Newt had apparently pried Gally of me.He was currently pinning him against the homestand

"What the BLODDY HELL were you doing to her?!"
Newt yelled in Gallys face.

For onsce Gally actually looked scared.I have never seen Newt this angry before, to be honest it kind of scared me!
Then Chuck ran over to me and knelt down next to the spot i was lieing on...I couldn't move everything hurt and ther were bruises all over my body Vhuck tryed to sit me up butI revused.

soon my look swited back to Newt and Gally who were sill yelling at each other.

" I asked you a shucking question damn it!" Newt yelled looking mor anglily than before.

"I was just giving her the lesson she deserves.Thea stupid bitch deserved every punch I gave her."
Gally said and glanced over at me.As he cought sight of th blood running down my face he smikred at me.            Newt heared what Gally said and his fist automatically connected with Gally's jaw.Gally Hissed in pain and hit Newt back.This turned into a bloddy fist fight not even a minute later.

Eventually Frypan and Winston pulled Gally and Newt from each other.Winston and Gally headded to the kithchen.Newt and Fypan srayed where they were though.
The crowd dissapeared soon after thought so it was just us four left.Frypan Chuck Newt and I.

"I would stay with you giys, but I have some cookimg to do.Get Y/N to the medjack hut, she really looks like crap!" Fry said before walking away.

Newt just noded and came over to me with a worried look on his face.

"I-I'm sor"I tryed to say before he cut me of

"Shssss- you don't need to apologise Love, it wasn't your fault that that shank srung you like that! Ayway I think Fry is right, let me take you to the Med hut." Newt said, while planting a gentle kiss
on my forehead and swooping me up into his arms.He carried me in to the hut evev though I tried to resist and protest against him carring me.
He sat me on the bed ant tied to stop me when i got up but soon noticed I wasn't in the state to argur with right now.

I smiled and whiped his face of with a heated rag, then washed the rag of and cleaned the cuts on his knuckles and cheek.I then started whiping the blood from of my cheek and he sat there, contently watching me.
I looked up at him when i was done and he grinned.

"You should be a medjack." he said.

"I thought about it." I replied.

"Your really good at medical stuff apparently", he chuckeled.

I smiled and chuckeled a little.He grinned and jerked me into a hug.He dragged me into his arms.I flinshed at his sudden movement and both of us froze.
I could feel the embarrisment turn my cheeks into a bright red coloure and I quickley spun my head away from him, so that he couldn't see the
teares run down my burning cheek.But it was to late.Newt ahdcalready seen, he put his thumb under my chin and turned me to face him.

"Y/N...Love I would never ever, not in my life ever hurt you." He said in a very quiet but apologising way.
I didn't said nothing but leaned into his chest and wrapped my arms around him tightley, smiling as I did.He vaguley smiled and kissed my forehead,causing me to relax more.He leaned down and kissed
my lips, something I blushed at.I kissed back.A minute later we sat there on the med bed cuddling and kissing.It was nice until Jeff walked in.

"Oh..sorry" Newt and I mumbled in sync before we left the room

"Frypan has lunch ready,I thought you two wanted some food after what just happened." Jeff smiled

"Thanks !", I said

"You guys don't need my help to get patched up?"Jeff asked confused.
"No Y/N already did."Newt grinned and gave me a side hug.

Jeff smiled and nodded. He walked back into thmadjack hut to resume work, so Newt and I went to the kitchen, our fingers tangled together.

RUN AWAY (Maze runner - Newt+ Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now