The perfect Job

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I groaned as i pulled out the grass out of my haire.I'm so bad at gardening! It has onley been about 20 minutes and i had allready dropped a pile of potatos, destroyed perfectly good soil by scraping on it a racke.
THe glade woul starve due to my clumseynis if I were a gardener.Obviusley this was not the perfect job for me.Plus, it was super boaring, jist sitting in the sun all day puling some gross weeds out of the soil.
It was really hot and I get dizzy and pass out quickley, a nother point why I should defenetly not be taking this job, even if it meant not beeing able to work with Newt, since he was the ceepers of the Gardeners.

Zart walked over to me andt rold me that it was time for lunch.Thank good!I was starving since I hadn't really eaten all day.I skipped over to the kichen, where Frypan and many others were talking ant eating.I grabbed my food and sat down at a table with Minho, Chick and Newt. Next to me on my left was Chuck on my oright was a free space.
I fluttered up Chucks haire.He glared at me and pouted, which made me laugh.He nudged me and fixed his haire before turning back to his plate. Hungriley I took a bite of my sandwich.IT was really good so
I quickley fineshed it and then chugged a whole glass of water down.Once I fineshed I looked up to see three beys staring at me in disbeliefe.I gave them a cheekey smile and chuckeled, as my face started to go pink.

"What?", ia all i could manage to say.

"Oh nothing, jist the fact that you ate a sandwich and drank a glass of water in under 60 secondes." Minho said and laughed.
I frowned and looked at them confused             **Had they never seen a girl eat before**

"Is that weird or something? It seemed easey for me" I said mumbeling the last part.

Newt gave me a smile and reache for my hand.

"It's very normal Love.Minho is just beeing sarcastig again, as usual." Newt said and elbowed Minho in the torso.

Minho groaned and put on a fake smile. He nodded and stood up and walked off.Before he completley disapered, he gave me his sugnature wink and left.
I turned back to Newt and smiled at him, he was staring at me.

"so how was gardening?",he asked while wigging an eyebrow playfulley.
"Bloodey TERRIBlE." I said, doing my best to sound like him

His smirk turned into a poat as he he<red me mocking him.

"Are you mockeng my accent Love?" he asked.

"Not at all Love!", I smirked and did my best British accent.

He stood up to come over to me and in that ecsact momen Gally let him selfe fall onto the empty caire next to me. I jumped, as I was surprised to see him.

"Hey Y/N", he said with a smirk on his face        before ansewring i looked up to Newt who glared at Gally furiusley.

                    NEWTS PVO

That filtzy shuck head, sitting next to my girl! hes totaly going to pay fore this!Ugh-hes making her uncomfortable.
From the side of my eye I could see Y/N looking at me for helpe.She started to blush when Gally started asking her more questions.

"So how was your first day of wirk?", he asked smirking weirdley at her.       

I did not aprove Thats when I noticed how much I hated seeing her with other guys!  Ifelt HORRIBLE

"Well it was fine I guess, although gardening is really not for me!", she said trying to hover her chaire further away from his

I had to step in ...

"Love, we should get going, to find you a new Job!",I said smiling at her and Gally who was now angrily looking at me.

"Yeah, your right..B-b ut nice to see you gally, we should talk again soon.",she said smiling her beautifull dsmile at him

"OK, cool see you soon,", he responded a little hurt.

I took her little hand and we walked out of the kitchen together. I turned and looked down at her. Damn she was cute

                                                           Y/N POV

"Next job will be madjacks.I think you might like this one better. Clent and Jeff will watch you and train you.L have to go talk to Alby about some stuff, I will see you at dinner I guess.". He said and hugged me

I hugged back and smiled.I pulled away and looked up at him and smiled once more.He smiled and leaned in, pecking my lips then turning around and limping away.

I wonder haw he got that limp.Maybe the medjacks know something about it?
I don't wanna big him about it mabey it is something personall or mabey he dosn't evev know...
Lets hope this job is fun!

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