The gathering

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The day went by soon enough.The maze doors closed early during dinner.I sat with Newt, Minho and Chuck.Alby had come over for a minute and said something to Newt.But I didn't know what.
"What did he want?", Chuck asked after Alby had left.

"Gathering, tonight after dinner.", Newt sighted and Minho rolled his eyes. I blushed as I knew that they were going to talk about, what happened yesterday with Gally. ,,Were going to decide what to do about you and Gally.",Newt continued.
I sighed a little scared but mostly annoyed.I could tell the others were too.As we had all finished our dinner I walked of in duration homestand, since Newt told me this is were the meeting was held.After a few minutes everyone had arrived and Alby began to speak.
"I think we all know why we are gathering here tonight..", he began.
" shank!". I heated Minho yell from the back.
Alby frowned and then continued."Pleas be what are we going to do about Y/N and Gally".
"Banish them!", Someone  screamed from the back
I swear my hart stopped in that moment.And then Newt sidehuged me.But it was like I was numb.There was no way I would go into that maze.

"If anyone of you shucking shuck heads even Tuches her!I swear to good I'll kill you!", Newt said with a strong but rashes Voice from behind me.
I just couldn't move or breathe.I was literally parilized.

Sorry if this is short idk kinda felt bad..but here you go if anyone reads this, than thank you❤️

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