feel better?

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-Tw: homophobia-

I used some French phrases in this chapter (translations are in the comments)

keep in mind that I am not French and I slept through 4 years of French class so I had to rely on google which means it probably isn't 100% correct so I apologize in advance lmao (no seriously pls don't bully me)


Y/N's pov:

Today was the day before your last full day in Paris and you had both decided to go back to the Eiffel Tower one last time before you had to go home. You had stopped at a little bakery close by and bought some pastries and coffee to take with you before walking there since it wasn't too far from your apartment. Soon you were standing in front of the tower again and you still couldn't believe the sight in front of you, it felt so surreal to actually see it in person even though this wasn't the first time.

"We have to get a new picture, it's out last time here before leaving and I'd like to remember this moment" Emily smiled pulling out her phone. She pulled you closer to her and held the phone up so you could see the tower in the back and you both smiled as she snapped the picture. She took one more of you kissing while you were smiling into the kiss completely caught up in the moment and not realizing you had been standing there for awhile before someone shouted something.

"Personne ne veut voir ça!" An older man shouted in your direction. Emily pushed you behind her and held your hand almost like she was protecting you from something. The man got closer to you and you suddenly felt a bit scared because he looked really angry and you didn't understand why.

"Y a-t-il une problème?" Emily asked the man who was looking at you with a disgusted face. You didn't really understand what was going on since you barely knew any French.

"C'est un problème!" He said pointing at the two of you and that's when it hit you, you understood what was going on and you realized why Emily sounded so upset.

"Ce ne sont pas vos affaires" she said in a firm tone. He scoffed making it clear that he was pissed off. The man looked you up and down before turning his attention back to Emily who was giving him a death glare while pushing you even further behind her and squeezing your hand to let you know she was handling it.

"c'est faux, vous allez en enfer!" He yelled before walking away. You could tell that Emily was mad because her body had tensed up and she took deep breaths to try to calm down. Everyone around you was staring at this point which made you really uncomfortable but after Emily gave them a look and waved her hands in a "what" motion they all got back to what they were doing.

"Em what did he say?" You asked. You didn't even know why you did because you weren't sure you wanted to know anyways.

"Let's just sit down, okay? She said in a low tone and you gave her a confused look but did as she said. You helped her put the blanket you had brought with you on the grass before sitting down.

"You're shaking" you said noticing her hands and her anxiously picking at her fingernails which was a bad habit she had but you always helped her calm down and distract her whenever it got too bad.

"It's nothing I'm okay" she said looking away.

"Talk to me"

"I just want to be able kiss kiss my girlfriend in public without getting dirty looks and people telling us it's wrong" she sighed looking down at her hands.

"And you can do that, this was one bad experience but that doesn't mean we can't be ourselves I mean look at us we can finally use our real names, don't let his words get to you because you know he's wrong" you said holding her hands in yours trying to comfort her. Of course this got to you as well but you just wanted to make sure Emily was okay that's what was most important to you. You were surprised when she removed her hands from yours right away almost like she was embarrassed. She must've not realized what she was doing because when she saw your hurt facial expression she felt bad "I didn't mean to do that"

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