012. a date

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"Are you coming golfing on Tuesday night?" travis asked Patrick as they were getting changed after practice.
"I can't do Tuesday, I got a date." he smiled.
"A date? what happened to New york?" Chris chimed into the conversation.
"Dude, that's who im taking on a date."
"Wait, you asked New york on a date?" trent also added to the conversation
"You guys do know her name is kylie, right?" patrick asked.
the locker room went quiet, apart from travis, who confidently said, "I knew that." with a smile
"I knew it began with a k." chris said.
"I just knew her as New york." tommy shrugged, followed by a chorus of "yeah me too." and "same."
"You guys are unbelievable." patrick rolled his eyes, smiling so the other guy knew he wasn't serious.
"she texted you." travis said, nodding towards Patrick's phone.
he stopped what he was doing and picked it up, looking at the blank screen.
"No, she didn't - oh my god." he looked at travis, who had an amused look on his face.
"You are down bad, my brother. down bad."

a few days later, kylie was at leahs house, gossiping over cocktails and homemade pasta that kylie had cooked.
"You should cook for me every day, this is really good." leah said, twirling more onto her fork.
"Stop it, you're gonna give me a big ego." kylie joked, also taking a mouthful of the pasta. "Oh, guess what."
"What?" leah asked. She knew what.
"patrick asked me on a date and was going out on Tuesday night." kylie said, a big smile on her face.
"No way!" leah said, acting surprised for kylie even though she knew already. travis had told her about the date a few days prior after he found out about it.
"I'm actually so excited." kylie smiled. She was blushing just thinking about patrick.
"So where are you going?" leah asked. She didn't know all of the details yet because travis has not got a very good memory and forgot most of what patrick had told him about the olans he had made.
"I don't know, he said it was a suprise, but I don't think it's a fancy dinner or anything 'cause he said to dress comfy." kylie was still smiling as she talked, going on about her date and what she planned to wear for at least ten minutes.
leah watched her with a smile on her face. she hadn't seen kylie this happy in a long time, especially since her breakup with brock.
Well, her first breakup with brock that was. the couple had been on and off for about a year, but since the day of their first break up, kylie hadn't really been the same.
until now, that is.
"I think I'm gonna wear my black jeans. You know the ones with the cut-out bits with the little diamond things? and then the corset top I got the other day." kylie said, putting her empty plate in the sink.
"A corset top? he told you to dress comfy." leah said, also putting her plate in the sink.
"it's bendy. There's no metal in it."
"What about a jacket?" leah asked.
"Will I need one? it's september
"it gets cold in the evenings. What if you're outside late?"
"What would we do outside in the evening?" kylie laughed, oblivious to what patrick had planned.
"I don't know." leah shrugged. "mini golf?"
"There are no mini golf places near us."
leah continued to list a few outdoor date ideas, tactfully missing out the outdoor theatre because she had remembered telling travis about it when he asked if kylie liked patrick.

a/n <3
this is so short, sorry, but I'm so EXCITED for their date. I can't help it.
also another double update because I'm so impatient, and I'm procrastinating studying :)

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