039. would've told you

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kylies hands shook as she reached up to knock on Patrick's door. she had only returned to kansas City an hour ago after spending the past three days in philadelphia, and had gone straight to his house to see him.
her heart was pounding in her chest the whole time she was waiting at the door, thinking of all the different directions this conversation could go in. it felt as though her heart rose to her throat as patrick opened the door, his face softening in relief when he realised who was stood there.
"Hey." she said, her voice quiet as the small amount of confidence she had built up completely vanished.
"jesus, ky. I was so worried about you." patrick sighed in relief and pulled her into the house and hugged her tight, like he was cared of letting her go. that was all it took for her emotions to bubble over once again, tears building up in her eyes as she fought not to cry.
"I'm sorry." she croaked as she pulled away and looked up at him. "I'm so fucking sorry, I shouldn't have done that. I don't know what I was thinking, I-" she was talking so quickly she was barely breathing in between her sentences.
"shh, its okay." he hushed her, gently stroking her back as she pressed her forehead into his chest once again and wrapped her arms around him.
"no. no, it's not okay. I ran away to a whole different state and didn't talk to you for three days." she sniffled. she mentally cursed herself for crying at everything. of course she knew why she was crying, they both did. she just hated the fact that it made her seem weak, and it broke down the tough persona she put up for everyone around her.
"you're upset." patrick stated, his voice soft and comforting. that made kylie cry harder. in her mind, he was supposed to be getting mad and yelling at her. of course, that's not what he was supposed to be doing, but it's what she was used to.
"that's not an excuse for being a shit person." she pulled off of him again and looked up into his eyes.
"no, it's not. but you're not a shit person, ky. you're far from it." patrick assured her. he moved his hand up to wipe her tears from under her eyes, gently swiping his thumb over her cheek. "quite the opposite actually."
a small laugh escaped kylies lips when she heard patrick using her own words against her, but she quickly stopped, feeling incredibly guilty.
"I'm really sorry for not telling you sooner. I think I was kinda in denial for a few weeks."
"a few weeks?" he asked, his voice laced with surprise "how long have you known?"
"y'know when I said the thought of cheese was making me wanna throw up? that's kinda when i knew." she mumbled, trying to avoid looking inn his eyes.
"I thought that was your new years hangover?" he chuckled.
"so did I, but it never went away after that, and I started getting tired like all day everyday and then a few days ago leah pointed it out and it just made it...Real, I guess." she took a deep breath, trying her hardest not to start crying again.
"trav pointed it out at training on Tuesday and I told him he was insane  and then I got back and you were telling me how you'd been tired all day and I started freakin' out a bit." patrick ran his hand gently over her back in a soothing way.
"I would've told you then if you'd asked me." kylie said.
"I wanted to, but i would've said something stupid. I don't think straight when I'm nervous." he pointed out. he had been so close to asking her that day, only to back out at the last second because he didn't want to offend her.
"your so level headed." she pointed out.
"I try to be." he shrugged, a small smile appearing on his face and kylie pulled away from his chest and stood on her tiptoes to kiss him.
"I love you." she murmered against his lips before kissing him again. and again. softly wrapping her arms around his neck and twirling the little curls at the back of his head.
"I love you, too." he replied, resting his hands on her waist and pulling her in closer, absolutely loving the fact that his girl was back in his arms again.


kyliesluvr kylie unfollowed 2 people and also lost 2 followers and deleted loads of posts on her private acc :( I hope she's okay

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kyliesluvr kylie unfollowed 2 people and also lost 2 followers and deleted loads of posts on her private acc :( I hope she's okay

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Username her new profile pic 🥹
^ username I'm taking it as a hard launch idc

Username "I hope she's okay" yall are so soft

Username leah and travis also unfollowed eachother and she took down her posts with him in them.

Username wait when did that account get so many followers I swear it only had like 12
^ Username it's some of the chiefs players and their partners!

Username womp womp

Username I am dying to see what she posts on this acc

Username i just searched her user in leahs following and it's not there :(
^ Username say ur joking I beg

Username the pfp oh my god

Username it's leah and leahs old spam account, I don't think they're friends anymore.
^ Username leah and travis don't follow eachother anymore either

Username no one cares

Username the height difference in her new pfp omfg

Username I think travis cheated on leah with kylie bc why else would she unfollow both of them.

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