040. she knows

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"Hey baby." kylie smiled as patrick wrapped her up in his arms after walking into the tunnel with his teammates following behind him.
"Hi gorgeous," he murmured, sliding his hands down to her waist and kissing her slowly.
"Oh my god, guys! get a room!" one of the guys shouted over, making kylie giggle into the kiss.
she pulled away and quickly gave him one more quick peck on the lips, holding his face in her hands.
"Go kick some ass," she smiled, her eyes glistening in the light as she looked up at him. "Good luck."
"I love you." patrick kissed her one more time, sliding one of his hands over her stomach as he let go of her waist.
"I love you more." she replied.
"Impossible." he smiled back and kissed her one last time before jogging back over to the rest of his team.

the game went extremely well for the chiefs in the first quarter, managing  to sack Joe three consecutive times and then score two field goals, leading by six points.
in the second quarter, the bengals scored a field goal at the beginning, but then travis scored a touchdown with three minutes left to go, giving everybody hope that maybe the bengals wouldn't get any more points until later in the game, but they scored another field goal in the last three seconds of the first half, leaving the score 6-13 with the chiefs still in the lead.

kylie had noticed quite early on in the game that whenever patrick was sat on the sideline, he was glaring at Joe. she couldn't tell if he was doing it on purpose or not, but even his mom was starting to pick up on it.
"He's so determined to win this game. Look at that angry face." she laughed, grabbing a drink from the fridge at the back of the suite.
"Yeah." kylie smiled, keeping her eyes glued to her boyfriend as he followed his team back into the tunnel for half time.
"You okay, honey? you seem a little out of it today." randi asked as she came back over to where they were sitting, and kylie was standing, gathering empty cans and cups from people who had left during the break.
"Oh, yeah." she smiled at her boyfriends mom reassuringly."I think I'm just nervous for him, you know? he wants this so bad."
"he definitely deserves it. He's had a wild year with the drama over the divorce and the whole baby thing, too." randi explained, also starting to tidy around the suite.
"Baby thing?" kylie questioned. she instinctively moved her hand to cover her stomach, even though there was definitely nothing there yet.
"brittanys- oh, i don't think I was supposed to say that." guilt flashed across randis's face, and her eyes averted down to where kylie had her hand. she quickly moved it away, hoping she didn't notice, but it was too late. randi opened her mouth as if she was about to say something, but she was interrupted by Jackson and mia coming over to them with four boxes of fries. three of them with cheese on top and one without.
"Here, we bought u guys cheese fries." mia smiled at the pair, handing randi one of the boxes in her hand.
jackson handed kylie the box that had no cheese on top.
"Don't worry, these are yours, I didn't know if you liked cheese again or not, so I didn't get you any just to be safe." he smiled.
"awh, thank you. here -" she reached for her bag, but he stopped her.
"Don't, it's my treat."
"Fine. The next round of drinks is on me, though."
jackson nodded in response, and they all sat back down in their seats just as the players were all coming back out onto the field.

in the third quarter, both teams ended up scoring a touchdown each, bringing the score up to 13-20 with the chiefs still ahead. everyone had high hoped that the chiefs would win, given the fact that the bengals hadn't done particularly well in the first half.
at only two and a half minutes into the final quarter, the bengals scored another touchdown, and both teams now had twenty points.

everyone in the suite practically sat on the edge of their seats throughout the entire final quarter. every time the chiefs got close to the endzone, they would lose the ball, but the defence was playing exceptionally well and weren't letting the bengals keep the ball for long either.
neither team scored anything at all, and it started looking like the game would go into overtime, and then, with thirty seconds left, patrick scrambled and managed to get them into field goal range.

"Come on, come on , come on." kylie urged under her breath, watching Harrison run to kick the ball. her whole body felt tense as his foot made contact with it, and it flew through the air, spinning and eventually flying straight in the middle of the goal.
almost the entire stadium erupted into cheers, including everyone in the suite.
they had all jumped up from their seats and were hugging each other, high-fiving and cheering.

"they won!" kylie smiled, almost in disbelief as she embraced her boyfriends mom in a hug.
"I know! come on, we're going on the field!" randi replied, grabbing her hand and leading her down towards the field.
kylie was too caught up in the moment to realise that she was actually walking onto the field, where tens of thousands of people were sat watching the players, especially patrick, and it only clicked when she was stood watching his brother and sister congratulate him.
he gave them quick hugs before randi enveloped him in a big bear hug, patting him roughly on the back. he brought his head up and looked behind her, immediately locking eyes with kylie.
his mom moved away, and the couple flew at each other with such a force they both stumbled to keep their balance.
"Holy shit, that was insane!" she beamed, taking her boyfriends face in her hands and kissing him.
"You're on the field!" He said, almost in disbelief.
"Because you won! you're going to the superbowl!" kylie giggled at his reaction, hugging him close to her again and resting her head in the crook of his neck. "i can't believe that!"
"crazy, huh?" he laughed, both of them still gently rocking back and forth.
"Absolutely," she smiled, pulling back and kissing him. "I love you so much,"
"I love you too, baby."

later that night, kylie and patrick were curled up in his bed, both of them watching whatever was on his phone screen as he scrolled through it.
a text popped up at the top of his screen.


patrick, we need to talk. can
you call me?

right now?

it's late is everything okay?

everything's okay with me, I
I just need to talk to you about
something really quick.

"I think she knows." kylie blurted out as she read randis' last message.
"knows what?" patrick questioned, locking his phone and placing down on the bed beside him.
"she knows I'm pregnant. I didn't think she noticed. shit im so sorry -" she started talking faster, pushing herself up on her hands so she was sitting cross-legged on the bed.
"Ky, calm down. how would she notice? you're not showing yet." patrick said. he mirrored her actions and sat facing her.
"no, she said something about a baby at half time and I thought you told her amd my hand was on my belly and then she like took it back and i moved my hand away really quick but I think she noticed it because she looked like she was gonna say something but then your brother came back with cheese fries, and-" kylie was talking so quickly she was barely breathing in between sentences, flapping her hands about as she frantically tried to explain herself.
"Ky, baby -" he interrupted her, only for her to interrupt him again in return.
"-I know we would've told her eventually, but we were gonna do it together." she sighed. She was about to say something else when lattices phone started ringing, showing his mom's contact on the screen. "You should probably answer that."
"I know." he leaned forward and kissed her on the forehead."I love you."
"I love you too." she smiled. he could tell she was sad underneath her smile, though, because her eyes had glossed over like she was about to cry. he wasn't wrong, but she waited till he was out of the room.

he came back about twenty minutes later, walking slowly over to his side of the bed in case kylie was asleep. she rolled over, feeling his weight dip onto the mattress.
"Does she hate me?" she asked gingerly, her voice quiet as if she was scared of the answer.
patrick shook his head, smiling.
"she's so happy, ky. you have no idea."
"she's not mad?" her lips slowly curved into a small smile.
"Not one bit. she was shocked, though." he chuckled.
"Yeah, well. so was I, " kylie laughed."I love you." she etched closer to him, and he wrapped his arms around her, pressing a kiss to the top of her head.
"I love you more, baby." he whispered.
"I don't think that's possible." she yawned, resting her head against his chest and almost immediately falling asleep.

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