026. just me and you

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smut warning !!

as soon as kylie and patrick got into her room, he had already sat on her bed, pulling her onto him.
patrick let out a low groan as kylie positioned herself on his thighs. the fabric of both of their jeans hitting them both in exactly the right places.
"Oh god." kylie breathed against patricks neck, her forehead dropping onto his shoulder as she let out another small moan.
"he's not here right now, baby. It's just me and you." he smirked.
his hands were changing between gripping kylies waist and grabbing at her ass, guiding her hips as she grinded against him.
"Get that shirt off, baby."
kylie let go of his face so she could lift her shirt over her head and throw it down on the floor beside the bed. patrick watched in awe as she revealed her lace covered boobs to him, not once stopping the movement of her hips grinding against him.
she returned back to kissing him and tugged at the hem of his shirt.
"Take it off." she whined, desperate for their skin to touch. "Please."
he obliged, quickly lifting his shirt off and throwing it down. he went back to kissing kylie roughly, moving his lips to her jawline, down to her neck, and back up to her lips again.
his hand trailed up her back to the clasp of her bra, and he tried to undo it, clearly struggling.
"jesus christ, ky, how do I do this?" he groaned.
kylie giggled and moved her hands to her back, swiftly undoing her bra and throwing it to the side with her shirt.
"so fucking beautiful." he murmured
kylie moaned in response, too overwhelmed with the pleasure from his lips to get any words out.
patrick flipped them over almost too easily, wrapping one of his large arms around kylie as he did so, sending a rush of heat through her body.
she reached down, undoing the button on her jeans and pulling the zipper down as he removed his own jeans.
patrick lifted her hand away and pulled her jeans down her legs along with her underwear, now leaving her fully exposed on the bed.
he kissed her again, slowly moving from her lips, across her jawline and down her neck.
"don't leave a mark." she panted, her chest heaving up and down with anticipation.
"I wont, beautiful."
she couldn't take her eyes away from him the whole time his mouth was on her, completely mesmerised at the fact that he was practically worshiping her in this moment.
"are you sure you want to do this, gorgeous?" patrick asked. his voice suddenly soft against her neck.
kylie nodded her head, desperate for him to touch her.
"words, ky."
"yes! fuck, I need you so bad!" she whined, grabbing his face with both of her hands and pulling it towards hers, connecting their lips in a soft yet desperate kiss.
patrick smirked into the kiss and used one of his hands to line himself up with kylie, gently pushing his tip into her.
she squirmed beneath him, whining and bucking her hips up as if she was begging for more, which patrick happily obliged to, groaning as he slid his entire length inside her.
"oh, pat." she breathes "faster."
she digs her nails into his broad shoulders as he speeds up his thrusts, dragging her nails down his back as the pleasure took over and she lost control of her body. he couldn't deny that he liked the pain of her nails scratching down his back. everything kylie had done that day had driven him crazy for some unknown reason and now, feeling her nails dig into him as he fucked into her just pushed him over the edge.
kylie clenched her eyes shut, arching her back up as she moaned out his name.
"I'm-" she couldn't finish her sentence, calling out profanities through gritted teeth instead.
"I know baby, let go for me." patrick murmured, bringing his thumb to her clit and rubbing it in slow circles as she came, her thighs shaking against his torso.
he fucked her right through her orgasm, slowing his thrusts as he let her ride out her high. she clenched around him and his thrusts came to a stop. he was fully inside her, his sweaty forehead dropped onto her shoulder as he released inside her, letting out a loud groan combined with a whimper.
kylie had never heard a man so vocal in bed before, and she loved it.
After a short while, patrick lifted his body weight away from kylie and pulled out, leaving her feeling empty.
she reached her arms up to him and wrapped them around his neck, pulling him in for a slow, gentle kiss.

guys, I've never really written smut before pls tell me how to make it good 😭

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