019. is she

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kylie woke up a few mornings later to patricks alarm ringing loudly next to his bed, and patrick sleeping through it. he had almost his arms wrapped around kylie, pulling her into him.
"Pat, love, your alarms going off." kylie said softly as she shook patrick awake.
he removed his arm from around her and turned the alarm off, swiping his phone onto the floor in the process amd then curled back around and wrapped his arm around her again, burrying his head in her chest.
"I don't wanna go." he sighed
kylie brung her hands up into his hair once again, like she had done a lot over the three days she had been staying at Patrick's house.
"You need to, pat. it's only two hours of practice and then you can come back." she said softly.
"it's an easy win on Sunday, I don't need to go." he protested. he was secretly dreading Sunday. no doubt an easy win, but they were playing against the 49ers on Sunday, and the media was having a field day with the made-up articles about patrick and brocks 'rivalry.
"Yes, you do. The rest of the team needs you so they can practice." kylie let her hands fall from his hair and gently scratched his back.
"Ugh." patrick groaned, holding her tighter.
"You're so grumpy." kylie giggled.
"because its eight o'clock in the morning and I have to fucking get up."
he dragged himself up and walked towards the bathroom to have a shower, looking like a toddler having a temper tantrum, which made kylie laugh.

when patrick came out of the shower, he noticed that kylie had fallen back asleep. he also noticed she was now wearing one of his hoodies.
he got dressed, which didn't take long, and walked over to the side of the bed she was laying on.
"ky." he whispered, kissing her forehead. "I'm going now, I'll be back around lunch."
"mhm." she hummed sleepily, pouting her lips for another kiss, which patrick happily obliged to.

not long after patrick left, kylie recieved a facetime call from leah, waking her up once agaun.
she answered, only showing the top of her head.
"hey." she yawned
"kylie I'm having a crisi- where are you?" leah said as soon as the call connected. she was driving and the phone was clipped to the dashboard.
"pats house." kylie answered.
"right, so uhm." leah hesitated, biting one of her nails. "I'm having a bit of a crisis right now, can I come and pick you up?"
kylie nodded.
"leah what's wrong? how far away are you?" she asked, getting out of the bed and reaching for a pair of Patrick's sweats, which were definitely too big for her.
"I'm litteraly like five minutes away but I really need to tell you this in person."
kylie could see leahs hands shaking on the steering wheel as she drove, only making her more worried.

kylie was outside by the time leah arrived and she immediately got in her car.
"What's going on? I'm litteraly so worried leah." she asked as they pulled out of the driveway.
"I think I'm pregnant." leah answered, keeping her eyes on the road to avoid kylies gaze.
kylies mouth fell open In shock.
"you what?"
"I think I'm pregnant." leah repeated. "I told trav thismorning and he didn't even say anything, he just left the house, and now im panicking."
"what a dick." kylie commented. leah nodded in agreement.
"I just wanna take a test but i couldn't do it alone, I'm sorry."
"don't be sorry, leah. I know how scary it is, trust me."

exactly half an hour later, the girls were stood in kylies bathroom, both looking at an upside down pregnancy test.
"I can't do it, can you look for me?" leah asked, tears welling in her eyes.
kylie flipped the test over and they both gasped seeing the very clear pregnant 3+ weeks on the small screen.
"oh my god." leah whispered. her bottom lip started shaking and tears began to fall from her eyes.
kylie wrapped her arms around her and pulled her close, gently stroking her back as she sobbed onto her shoulder.
"shh, you're okay." she soothed.
"he's gonna hate me." leah cried
"no he won't, leah." kylie assured her
"you don't know that."
"I've heard him talking to pat before about wanting a family in the future, I'm sure he'll be fine if that happens sooner than he thought it would."
leah pulled away from the hug and wiped her eyes.
"yeah, but thismorning, he looked so mad, ky." she sniffed and almost as if she'd jinxed it, her phone rang, showing travis' name at the top of the screen.
"talk to him, if hes calling you he abviously wants to. I'm here for you okay? I always will be."
leah nodded and picked up the phone and kylie went into her kitchen to give her some privacy.
she had texted patrick earlier to let him know that she had something to do and that he could come to hers after he had finished practice, and he did just that, walking through the door just as kylie walked round the corner.
"hey beautiful." he smiled, giving her a hug and a small kiss on the forehead.
"oh, stop it." kylie blushed, hiding her head in his chest. no matter how many compliments he could throw at her, kylie always became shy and flustered like a high schooler with their crush.
"youre not gonna believe what trav told m-"
patrick was interrupted by leah coming down the stairs.
"I'm gonna- oh hi patrick." she smiled
"hey." he said with a small nod.
leah turned back to kylie.
"I'm gonna go talk to him, I chickened out on the phone." she explained.
"I think that's a good idea, tell me how it goes." kylie smiled
"I will, thank you for helping me today."

After leah left, kylie turned straight back to patrick, who was now pretending to look busy by rummaging around in the fridge.
"so, what did travis tell you?" she asked, knowing exactly what travis had said.
patrick shut the door and turned to face her.
"is she?..." he let his voice trail off.
kylie nodded slowly.
"she is."
"oh wow." he bit the inside of his cheek, worried about how travis might be distracted at Sundays game.
"yeah." kylie paused "how's trav?"
"scared. he feels so bad for storming out on her thismorning." patrick responded.
"understandable. Do you want lunch?"
"Of course I do."

do u guys want spicy chapters in this story??  ALSOOO I can reply to comments now idek why I couldn't before it was smth to do with my email but I fixed ittt!!!

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