003. left my number

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patrick woke up at three o'clock that morning to an abundance of text messages and calls from his teammates, mainly travis.

trav 💯

trav 💯
yo pat

trav 💯
wyd in nyc

trav 💯
we have training tmrw

pat ‼️
tell me ur joking

pat ‼️
I can't leave rn

trav 💯
no I'm not joking there
was a schedule change

trav 💯
why can't you leave

patrick sighed softly and took a selfie, making sure to get kylies floral bedsheets and her loose brown curls spread across the pillows in the background.

trav 💯
alright nah!

trav 💯
seriously get back asap or
Big Reds gonna be maaaad.

trav 💯
she'll understand u gotta
train for ur games.

pat ‼️
I don't think she knows who
I am

pat ‼️
I left my number

patrick left, shutting the door gently and making his way to the closest airport.
four and a half hours later, he was back in kansas City, arriving at the Arrowhead Stadium at the same time as travis.
"Pat!" He called, jogging over from where he was stood, leaning against a wall on his phone. "What happened last night?"
"What didn't happen last night." patrick sighed.
"Why were you in New york?" travis asked.
"I don't know, man, Brit was coming over to get more stuff, and I just needed to get away."
the pair continued talking as they walked to the locker room to get changed with the other players.

"And how did you end up in this girls bed?" travis asked, tying his shoe.
"she was in this bar I went to, and I sat like a few seats away from her, and she just started talking to me," patrick responded, shrugging his shoulders.
"Was she hot?" travis raised one eyebrow, looking at his teammate.
"haha alright nah!"

After they had finished up for the day, the team were all getting changed in the locker room, and travis noticed that patrick kept looking at his phone.
"She texted you yet?" he asked him.
patrick shook his head.
"Maybe she's mad at me for leaving?"
"You didn't tell her you were leaving?" Chris chimed in. "That wasn't very nice."
"it was three in the morning, man. I didn't wake her up." patrick defended himself
"Did you at least leave a note explaining?" isiah added to the conversation. everyone in the room was listening in at this point.
"I left my number, I don't do one night stands, alright? I don't know how it works. maybe she's still asleep?"

patrick arrived at his house at around one o'clock that afternoon. It was strangely quiet when he walked in.
he was used to coming home to Brittany making lunch or playing music whilst she cleaned around the house. it was weird to come home and have a quiet house.
he sighed, dropping his bag beside the couch and flinging himself down.
one of his dogs, Steel, jumped up next to him and layed his head on his chest.
"Hey boy." patrick smiled, stroking his dogs head as his other dog, silver, came running through the house to greet him.
both dogs were jumping on him, excited to see him after two days.
he got up to let them outside and left the door open so they could come back in when they wanted to.

trav 💯

trav 💯
she text u yet?

trav 💯
tell her to come to the game
on Sunday.

pat ‼️
she hasn't

pat ‼️
I don't think she will

trav 💯

that night, patrick went to bed alone, wondering why kylie hadn't called him.
maybe she was mad at him for leaving? maybe she didn't look at her fridge? maybe he was worse in bed than he thought he was? he ignored the last thought. It hurt his ego more than he'd like to admit.

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