032. someone leaked

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patrick and kylie had returned to her house at around two o'clock that morning after spending the majority of the night celebrating the New Year with Patrick's teammates and their partners. they definitely partied a bit too hard, considering they had a game the next day, but in the moment, none of them really seemed to care.

kylie had been awake for a little while now, but she stayed laying in bed, trapped underneath the two hundred and twenty five pound man asleep on top of her, with his head resting perfectly in between her boobs as she played with his hair.
Patrick's alarm started ringing, interrupting the peaceful ambience of the room.
"Ugh, already?" he groaned, lifting his head up slowly as he turned it off. kylies hands slipped from his hair, and he frowned. "Hey, I never said stop."
"You're such a big baby." kylie giggled, placing her hands in his hair again.
patrick simply hummed in response and nestled himself back down, closing his eyes again.
"Don't go back to sleep, pat." she sighed, taking her hands away again.
"Five more minutes." he mumbled against her soft skin, running his hands along her sides.
"Nope. c'mon, I'll make breakfast whilst you're in the shower." she said, patting his bare shoulder as she tried to sit up.
"Why dont you come and shower with me?" patrick asked, lifting his head up and kissing kylies jawline softly.
"Pat, baby, you have a game today." she sighed, knowing exactly what would happen if she agreed.
"Technically, there's only rules about the night before a game. nothing mentions the morning of." ke kissed her again, this time moving his lips to her neck.
"No. if I make you lose a game, I'd never forgive myself."
"What if I promise you I'll win." patrick flashed a cheeky grin.
"Promise?" kylie raised her eyebrows. she knew deep down she was being convinced.
"Pinky swear." patrick brought his arm up from beside him and held out his pinky, which kylie reluctantly interlinked with her own, sighing.
"Fine. you're lucky you're cute."

and patrick stayed true to his promise, winning against the broncos 27-24.

kylie watched as patrick came out of the locker room with an amused smirk on his face, immediately coming over and squeezing her waist whilst gently kissing her.
"I kept my promise." he smiled once they pulled away from each other.
"You did." kylie smiled back, rolling her eyes. she moved her hands to his shoulders and stood on her tiptoes to kiss him again.
"it's like you're my lucky charm." he laughed
"nothing like a little good luck fuck, huh?" she murmured.
"woahhh!" they were interrupted by one of Patrick's teammates, rashee.
kylie immediately pulled away and dropped her hands to her sides, taking a small step away from both of them.
"dude." patrick sighed.
"I hate to interrupt, but coach wants you back for a minute. he says it's really important." rashee smiled, trying his best to not make the situation any more awkward.
"right, okay." patrick turned his attention back to kylie. "I'll be back in a minute baby."

kylie stayed outside the locker room, talking to a few of the guys on the team whilst she waited for patrick to come back.
when he eventually returned, she could tell he was mad, maybe even a bit upset, but definitely mad about something.
he slipped his hand into hers and interlocked their fingers, squeezing her hand three times.
"everything okay?" she murmured quietly as she ran her other hand up his forearm, gently stroking her thumb back and forth.
"yeah, but we need to go. I've got a few calls to make." he sighed.
"okay." she smiled up at him and they said their goodbyes quickly before making their way out of the stadium.
the entire drive home was silent, apart from the continuous drumming of Patrick's fingers against the leather of the center console.
he didn't day anything to kylie once they arrived at his house either, simply going straight to a different room whilst dialing a number into his phone.
kylie sat on the couch, scrolling on instagram on her phone as she stroked silver, who had jumped up onto the cpuch and fallen asleep with her head on kylies lap.
kylie stopped scrolling when she saw a familiar image appear on her screen. a photo of patrick and brock on the side of the field with their helmets hitting against eachother, only this time, there was an audio attached to it.
she umnuted the video and turned her volume up, listening to the altercation between the two men.
she stared at her phone once the audio stopped, not knowing what to do or think. we'll, she knew what she wanted to do.
she got up, carefully making sure not to wake silver up, and made her way up to the bedroom, where patrick had gone to make his call.
he didn't realise she was in the room with him until she hugged him, wrapping her arms around him and pressing herself into his chest.
he hesitated before moving his empty hand to her back and slowly stroking it as he spoke to the man on the phone.
"thank you man, I really appreciate it, bye." he said to the man on the other end of the line before he hung up and flung his phone on the bed, now embracing kylie with both of his arms.
"I'm sorry, ky." he whispered, placing a gentle kiss to the top of her head. "I shouldn't have ignored you, someone leaked-"
"I know." she interrupted him, her voice wobbling ad she tried to hide the fact that she was crying, obviously failing.
"your crying." patrick pointed out
"you defended me." she sniffed, looking up at him
"of course I did- what?"
"he said so much shit about you and you ignored it and defended me. why?"
patrick hesitated, clearly confused.
"because I love you, ky. you know that, right?"
"oh pat." she whispered. "I love you so fucking much."
he hooked two fingers under her chin and tilted her head upwards to kiss her, tasting the tears on her lips as he did so.
"you're all salty." he joked.
"oh be quiet." kylie laughed, wiping the tears from her face and kissing him again. "better?"
"much better."

long time no see guys! sorry abt that, exam season is kicking my ass but I'm nearly done and I will be back to updating more regularly soon :)

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