🥰Razors' Lupical (Razor x F-Reader) 1/2

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The woods felt darker than usual on this day. The seasons were changing and winter was fast approaching, the sun was setting much earlier in the day, and dark clouds hugged the sky. The breeze was dry and crisp, like the air around a mist flower. Lumine hugged her winter coat closer to her body as she walked through the forest.

The sound of howling filled the air and echoed against the trees. Wolvendom was always a dangerous place to be, but the wolves always seemed more active during the winter. She gently rubbed the pyro vision hanging from her belt, looking for a sense of comfort. Her catalyst hung just beside it, ready to be used as her defence.

A few steps further into the forest, and another howl echoed. This one didn't seem right, something pained hung onto it, like an injured wolf. That wasn't all, there was something different, something unheard in any other howl. Lumine, with piqued interest, adjusted her direction to align with the sound. She was close, the echoed voices rang in her ears. The injured creature is just a few steps away, she knew it was.

It must've heard her coming, as the howling stopped, and a quiet, muffled whimpering took its place. She could still hear the creature, pinpoint its location. Around one more tree, and it would be in her line of sight. And there it was, although, not a wolf, but a boy. A fluffy, messy, bloodied boy.

The boy tried to flinch away from her sight, but instead flinched from pain and yelped. The boy quickly bared his sharpened teeth and growled a low, gravely growl to intimidate her.

With caution, Lumine took a gentle step forward, the sleet on the grass crackling under her step. After a moment, she took another, and then another. The boy bared claws made of lightening, but Lumine wasn't deterred. She lowered herself, crouching towards him as to not appear intimidating. The boys pained face softened, and the claws disappeared.

"It's okay," Lumine cooed to the boy, "I'm here to help."

The sky was getting darker, and the cold was setting in harder. The boy was not wearing appropriate attire for a cold winter night, even if the temperature hadn't dropped as much as it would.

"Are you hurt?" She asked him, sinking to the ground close beside him. The boy nodded in response. He moved his hand, which had previously been wrapped firmly around his leg, to reveal blood seeping through under his trousers.

"Can I take you somewhere out of the cold to help? I live nearby," Lumine said, realising she was unable to examine him where they were.

The boy looked around, skeptical almost. He looked from her, to the woods around them, and then back to her. He stared at her ocean eyes, illuminated in the snow, and realised he had no other choice. Hesitant, he nodded at her suggestion. She gently took his arm and helped him to his feet. It was a struggle, in which the boy was clearly in a lot of pain. His injured leg couldn't withstand the weight of his body, and he nearly toppled over, dragging Lumine with him.

"Woah, it's okay, put your arm around me," she said in a panic, trying to balance herself and the injured boy. She grabbed his arm and pulled it across her shoulders to balance him. His weight dropped onto her and he was able to stand again. The two started trying to walk together, the slippery ground underneath them working against the two.

"We're almost there, are you doing okay?" Lumine asked, weary of the boy hanging off her. His face had paled since they left the forest, and his weight was slowly dropping onto her more and more. She knew he was losing blood, but it appeared that it was worse then she first thought.

His response was nothing but a low grunt. Lumine practically dragged him the rest of the way to the outskirts of Springvale. Upon arriving at her small home, Lumine pulled the boy inside and dropped him onto her bed. She let her satchel fall to the floor beside her and she knelt beside him. Placing her hand to his forehead, she could feel his skin was cold, and yet he was slick with sweat.

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