🥰Thoma X Lumine

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(I forgot Wattpad existed for a minute there. Sorry!)

The world around me turned dark as inky blackness consumed every corner of my vision. I turned, trying to escape, but it was no use. I watched as Paimon disappeared behind the barrier, her panicked face flushing me with anxiety. What was this, what was happening? That sword appeared and it was suddenly like I was being sucked into another dimension.

I turned to face her, the Raiden Shogun, only to see that everything had changed. There was sand beneath my feet, and beyond the platform on which I stood there was nothing but endless blackened sky. The Shogun stood before me, somehow different to how she was before. Her eyes were cold and merciless as she questioned me, but I couldn't hear a word, my head was spinning and I could hear a ringing in my ears.

"You are the enemy of eternity," was all I heard before she brandished her weapon, ready for a fight. I readied my sword, prepared to fight, but nothing could have prepared me for her strength.

She charged at me, moving faster than I could even see, her lightning striking and seizing my muscles. I was too slow, and she was like lightning personified, strong, fast, impossible to fight with nothing but a sword and elemental powers I didn't fully understand. And then it came, the move I had heard so much about. Musuo no Hitotachi.

I felt my body seize again as I was thrown off my feet, the light around me suddenly coming back into focus. I hit the ground hard, rolling across the rough wooden scaffolding around the statue of the omnipresent god. My eyes felt heavy, it was hard to keep them open long enough to see what was happening around me. I could hear the faded voice of Paimon calling my name before I caught a glimpse of Thoma freeing himself from his bonds. I didn't need to look up to know the Shogun was standing over me, I could feel her presence like a heavy weight pushing on my chest. Her sword came up and I closed my eyes in acceptance. I was too weak to move, too weak to fight back, too weak to beat a god.

Suddenly the world around me shifted again as I was thrown. Strong arms caught me as I fell, and before I knew it I was being pulled along, forced to try and run. The fog in my head was too much, my bones felt far too heavy, and soon enough, I felt myself slip into sleep as I was carried through the streets of Inazuma city.

Lumine? Lumine are you alright? Lumine!

My eyes opened slowly, the weight of them far less then after I faced the Musuo no Hitotachi. My body still ached, but everything felt a little lighter, even the air felt easier to breathe. When my vision came into focus, I was met with Thoma's face looming over me.

"Oh thank god," he sighed, his eyes closing for a brief moment, "we were so worried."

"Don't you ever scare Paimon like that again!" I heard a shrill cry from beside me. Paimon was crying and carrying on like I had died, and her tantrum took her down the halls of the teahouse.

"Paimon is gonna go hug Taroumaru till Paimon feels better, don't you dare die while Paimon is gone!" She yelled. I mustered a small laugh before my chest constricted, leaving me coughing to catch my breath.

"Are you okay?" Thoma asked, his face stricken with worry as he still hovered over me.

I smiled and nodded, trying not to worry him further. I took a quick look around and noticed we were in the farthest room in the back of the teahouse. I guess this was where it was safest for him to take us after that close escape.

I sighed in relief, we were certainly safe here, at least for now. Then I remembered. His vision.

"Thoma your-!" I went to sit up, almost butting my head straight into his. My head swam as I got dizzy spells from the sudden movement and Thoma had to quickly catch my head before I fell again.

"My vision? It's fine, you got it back for me, see?" He tapped his waist where the small red jewel hung like it had never left. "Thank you."

His voice was soft and warm, his appreciation for my actions evident in his soothing tone. His eyes still showed a hint of worry as he watched me, but his smile was genuine.

"Thank god," I sighed, relief washing over me. I reached up and pulled him in for a well deserved hug. He was safe, I was safe, and his vision was right where it belongs.

"Oof okay, okay," he chuckled, trying to hug me back. He ended up just hovering over me as we were on the floor, but the sentiment was still there. Finally, I felt his arms begin to shake from holding his weight up, so I released the hug.

"Heh, sorry," I apologised, feeling rather bashful of my sudden death grip of a hug.

Thoma's face slowly came back into view as he pushed up off the floor. He suddenly stopped, leaning on his arm that was positioned right above my head. He stayed steady, no longer swaying under his own weight. His face was close, and I could see his cheeks turning pink. His breath ghosted over my face, and I suddenly felt my cheeks growing warm too. He's so close.

"Thank you," he said again in a soft whisper before leaning back down. His soft lips pressed against my own as I felt his other hand gently cup my face. My stomach came alive with butterflies and my head swam again, looking for any coherent thought. Kiss him back you idiot!

I quickly closed my eyes and leaned into the soft and tender kiss, but all too soon, the sensation was gone. Wait no..! My hands acted on their own as I quickly reached up to grab onto his jacket, stopping him from moving away. I got a quick glimpse of his face, eyes wide with shock and cheeks more red then his clothes, before he shook it off and kissed me again.

I felt the weight and warmth of his body as he leaned into me, his mouth moving fervently against my own. I wrapped my arms around his neck, trying to hold onto the kiss for as long as I could. He was so warm, so comforting, and I couldn't help but throw myself into the moment of being kissed by such a wonderful person. And, I mean, maybe he is kinda cute too.

We could've been there, kissing for hours, and it still would have been all too soon when he finally pulled away.

"Sorry," his voice was barely a ghost of a breath across my lips as he leaned his forehead on my own.

"D-don't be," I stammered, anxiety creeping in as I wondered why he was apologising.

"You're meant to be resting and recovering, and here I am being selfish with you," he said, the smirk on his lips showing a hint of playfulness as his thumb caressed my cheek. I shook my head at him before gently tugging on his neck, urging him to come back.

"Okay, Paimon is done- woah wait a minute!" Paimons' shrill voice suddenly came echoing through the room. Thoma and I quickly separated, practically throwing ourselves to opposite sides of the room and looking away from one another.

"Thoma!" She yelled, no, more like accused. "What are you doing?!"

"Nothing! Nothing at all," he chuckled nervously, rubbing the back of his neck. My nervous smile met his and we both blushed before quickly looking in opposite directions again. Busted...

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