🍋Number Six (Scaramouche x M-Reader)

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This one shot was requested by Lone-Wolf-Nergiganos
Hope you enjoy~

Scaramouche is secretly a huge sub

The day was obnoxiously long with Aether having to dote on his boyfriend to keep up appearances. The two had been seeing each other in secret, god forbid Signora discovered that the powerful harbinger Scaramouche was fucking the butler behind closed doors. It was killing Aether to listen to Kunikuzushi whisper dirty thoughts to him every time he went to serve the man. He only had to hold on for a little while longer...

He waited patiently as dinner was served, and Scaramouche made sure to get the mans attention every time he did anything that could be perceived as lewd. He would lick his fingers sensually, purposely spill droplets of wine down his chin and moan all too suggestively again the 'taste of the food'. It was maddening...

After dinner was over and everyone was calling it a night, Aether slid away to Scaramouche's quarters to wait. He was pacing back and forth until he finally heard the lock click. It was time to make him pay for being such a tease.

Scaramouche walked in and slowly closed the door behind him, staring into Aethers' eyes with a wicked smile on his face. He dropped his hat to the side and clicked the lock on the door.

"You're such a little tease," Aether growled, grabbing the boy by the neck and pushing him against the wall. The two shared a passionate and heated kiss as Aether tightened his grip o Scaramouche's neck.

"I couldn't help myself," he smirked, "you're just so easy to tease."

Scaramouche lowered his hand down to Aether's pants, his fingers gently poking under the waistband.

"I'll make you regret that decision," he said, grabbing his partner by the hands and pinning them above his head.

"I'm stronger then you, I could break free if I wanted to," Scaramouche threatened.

"Good thing you don't want to."

Aether grabbed him and threw him down onto the bed with as much force as he could. Scaramouche watched his partner slowly unbutton his shirt as he walked closer. He shrugged the shirt off and let it fall to the ground before leaning on the side of the mattress, looming over Scaramouche.

"What do you want me to do to you?" He questioned. He could see a blush forming on the other mans cheeks and smirked.

"Kuniku," he cooed, "don't get shy on me now, we're just getting to the good part."

Aether tilted his partners chin upwards as he leaned in to suck on his neck. Scaramouche let out a soft moan as Aethers weight dropped onto him and he could feel his erection pressing into his thigh.

"Ah, fine," he moaned out, "I want you to be rough... treat me like your sex slave."

Aether was quick to undress Scaramouche after hearing that, he practically tore his clothes off like he was trying to rip them apart. He was quick to flip him over and push his face down into the sheets.

"Now beg for it," he commanded. Aether undid his belt and pulled his erection out, gently tapping and pushing it up against Scaramouche's entrance.

He wasted no time grovelling under his partner, begging for him to be used. His voice was hoarse and whiny as he tried to push himself back on Aether.

Aether grabbed his arms and pulled them behind his back, firmly restraining them.

"Spit," he commanded as he held his free hand in front of Scaramouche's face. He complied quickly and Aether used the saliva to lube himself up before thrusting himself into his partner. There was no time for Scaramouche to adjust to the size as Aether began ramming into him, caring about nothing but his own pleasure.

He kept the others' wrists in a firm grasp, not letting him move an inch while he slammed into him from behind. Scaramouche was a blubbering whining mess beneath him, still begging and asking for more.

"Shut up," Aether commanded, pushing his head down into the sheets, "do you want everyone to hear what I'm doing to you?"

He kept going, his pace only getting harder and faster. Aether kept a tight grip on his wrists and had a firm hold on Scaramouche's head, still pushing him down into the sheets. He could feel that Scaramouche was getting weak as he was using his legs to push himself back to meet with every thrust. He was slowly but surely dropping his lower half further and further onto the bed.

"You're going to cum first, do you understand?" Aether commanded, "I want to feel how tight you get."

"Y-yes," he muttered out as best as he could, "please make me cum."

Aether made sure to keep thrusting hard enough to have Scaramouche's own erection rub against the sheets. He knew the added friction would work in his favour. He was using all of his strength now to push Scaramouche down into the bed harder, trying desperately to get him to cum first. He had to be close, he was cursing and moaning through gritted teeth as he bit down on the bedsheets.

"Aether," he whined out. The rest of his sentence was incomprehensible as he slurred his words. That was when Aether felt his body tighten around him. He kept fucking Scaramouche through his orgasm as he came close.

"Where do you want me to cum?" He asked. He released his partners arms and head and grabbed his waist so he could pull him up to fuck him faster.

"Answer me," he growled. If there was no answer, he figured he would flip him over and release on his face to teach him a lesson about being obedient...

"Inside," he murmured. Aether could see a deep blush forming on Scaramouche's face as he spoke.

"As you wish," Aether spoke with a sadistic smirk. He pulled out just long enough to flip Scaramouche over onto his back before thrusting inside of him again.

"I want to see your pretty face when I fill you up, Kuniku."

Scaramouche only grew more red at the use of his real name. He loved hearing Aether speak it.

His thoughts were broken when Aethers' hand wrapped around his neck as he started being rough with him again. He watched the sweat drip down Aethers forehead, catching in his lashes as they fluttered closed.

He let out a string of moans and swears as he finally came, his grip on Scaramouche's neck tightening. He continued thrusting as much as he could before he finally became over sensitive and had to stop. He collapsed on the bed beside his partner, both with heavy and laboured breaths.

"Fuck," Scaramouche breathed, "what a mess..."

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