🥰The Demon (Chongyun x F-Reader) 1/2

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The night was cold and dark. Chongyun was here on a mission to find the demon plaguing this land, although, he didn't get his hopes up. He had gotten many tips from locals about a cat-like creature who had been causing mischief. Reports of it stealing from homes in the night where high.

The town was quiet, everyone else was already in their homes with their doors locked and barricaded to keep the creature out. It was so silent, Chongyun suspected he would be able to hear a pin drop. Although there was no need for that as his footsteps' echo was enough to answer that suspicion.

Despite the reports and the townspeople's first hand accounts of witnessing a demon, Chongyun found no evidence of any demons or evil spirits in the area, try as he might, there was nothing to show for his efforts. He feared his Yang energy would drive it away before any investigation was to be done, but even if that were the case, there was no evidence that there had ever been a demon to begin with. Perplexed, he continued walking the shallow streets in the dark.

Despite the lack of evidence, he still felt the looming and dreadful feeling of being watched. Peeking down corners and checking rooftops left him with no answers as to where the feeling was coming from. His anxiousness was getting the better of him, and he carefully began sucking on one of his popsicles in hopes it would get him back under control.

Eventually, Chongyun came across a build sight. The reason he was called in was because the town wanted to expand, and that couldn't happen with a creature constantly destroying their progress, stealing the tools and marking the area as a danger zone to any who dare to trespass. If he was going to find even the slightest bit of evidence, it would be here.

Meanwhile, a creature out of his sight scurried alongside him in the darkness, careful not to be seen as it watched him curiously. It was careful not to peak over the rooftops and around corners while it suspected he may be watching. The stealth of the creature was impeccable, and if it wasn't for the human capability to sense when being watched, it's presence would have never been known.

It followed and followed until he came to the build site. The creature circled him through the scaffolding, almost like it was waiting for a chance to strike. But instead of being fearful, it was curious. So intensely curious. His eyes, it thought to itself. The bright and crystalline blue had it captivated. It had never seen a human like this before. Such strong energy, such a curious appearance, and the demeanour of the boy was entirely too odd.

Eventually, Chongyun's search was concluded. There simply was nothing to be exorcised, nor was there ever. Whatever fearful thing the townspeople had spoken of was not within Chongyun's capability to help with. He let out a sigh of disappointment as he stood outside the build site, his head hanging low. He leaned against the outermost wooden pillar to stop and take a breath of fresh air. And that's when he felt that feeling again. Something was watching him.

As to not look suspicious, Chongyun slowly and carefully scoped the scene around him, trying to find any sign of another life nearby. Thats when the creature slowly climbed down from above him, acting as though it were simply a fly on the wall.

Chongyun felt the pillar he was against shake suddenly, and he was quick to step away. His gaze shot upwards to find the creature stalking him. The darkness didn't allow for him to make any distinction of the shadowy form crawling down towards him. It had long limbs and a tail, but otherwise it was nothing but a shadow. How could he have missed a demon?

"Stop right there!" He called out to it, drawing his claymore in hopes of frightening the creature before him. It couldn't have been a demon or spirit, this was something else entirely. And that scared him.

The creature dropped off the scaffolding and landed on all fours in front of him, like a cat would. The mass slowly expanded upwards. It was standing on two legs now. A long tail whipped in excitement behind it as it stood tall. It was taller then Chongyun by a few inches and impossibly lanky.

It stepped forward towards him and was suddenly cast in the soft glow of the moon. It was no shadow...

"You're a girl?" He questioned, lowering his weapon.

"And you are a boy," she said curiously, taking another step towards him. Her head was cocked to the side as she observed him carefully. Atop her head were fuzzy cat-like ears expanding out from a mess of amber hair.

"You have ears... and a tail?" Chongyun hadn't seen anyone like her before. A human with animal features. He was surprised and deeply intrigued.

"And you have... eyes... like mine," the cat-girl rushed forwards suddenly and thrust her face forward towards him. Her nose was almost touching Chongyun's and she stared deeply into his eyes, and he stared back for a moment before stumbling backwards. Her eyes were a bright and icy blue, just like his.

"Are you like me?" She asked, looking him over. Once she failed to see any ears or a tail, she frowned.

"Imposter," she mumbled under her breath before dropping to all fours and scurrying away, back into the scaffolding and disappearing into the trees beyond.

"Wait!" He called to her, but it was too late, she was gone just as quickly as she appeared. He was quick to drop his weapon and rush back to the site in hopes he could catch up. Maybe there was something he could do to help the town after all.

He pushed through the first of the shrubbery past the construction equipment and began his search in the dark. The moonlight was streaming through the leaves above like crystal rain and it gave him enough vision to navigate through the forest.

"Wait!" He called out again, watching the trees carefully for movement so he could continue to track her.

"Leave!" He heard her voice echo and bounce between the trees, "before I make you!"

"Please," Chongyun called out, "I just want to talk!"

He stopped for a moment, waiting for her response. The forest was still and quiet, until suddenly he saw a shimmer in his peripherals. Up a tree barely a few feet away, he saw her shadow begin to creep down the trunk.

Suddenly Chongyun noticed water pooling down the trunk of the tree, and he hastily readied his weapon again.

"I just want to talk," he repeated, slowly taking a step away from the shadowy figure.

"I said," she growled, her voice low and gravely, "leave!"

She launched herself off the tree trunk towards Chongyun with claws sharpened into blades of water. She landed on all fours and attempted to sweep his legs to knock him down, water tunnelling off her and creating a whirlpool between them. Chongyun leaped backwards and sent his own attack back at her, freezing the water that had surged up into a wall of ice between them.

Chongyun's heart was beating through his throat as he waited in panic for her next move. He couldn't see her behind the wall of ice and it only increased his anxiety. A few quiet moments passed before she curiously came around the ice and took a step towards him. Her eyes were wide with astonishment and kept flicking from him to the ice and back again.

"You are like me," she said softly, her eyes twinkling with excitement. She rushed over to him, grabbing at his arms and twisting herself around him to look for his vision.

"Hey, wait, what are you-" Chongyun stuttered, trying to step around her as she examined him.

"You have it," she exclaimed, grabbing his belt and looking at the cryo vision that was embedded into the leather.

"Y-yes, I am a vision bearer," he confirmed, pushing her hands off him.

"We," she said with determination, "share a gift."

She held his hands tightly in her own as she stared at him. Her motives were still a mystery in Chongyun's eyes, but he was grateful to not have to fight her any more.

"I am Lumine," she proclaimed, still staring into his eyes. She suddenly pushed her face towards his and planted a kiss on his lips.

"You cannot tell a soul," she whispered, letting him go and scurrying off into the woods again.

"W-wait! What was that for?" He questioned, staggering backwards and staring off into the woods where she had disappeared. His face was burning and his fingers lingered over his lips. He was so utterly confused, flustered, and could feel his yang energy stirring. He started to feel ill and had to retreat out of the trees to eat a popsicle and assess the incredibly odd series of events that had just happened to him.

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