🍋Razors' Lupical (Razor x F-Reader) 2/2

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About a week had gone by since Lumine rescued Razor from the woods and tended to his injury. Razor was recovering miraculously well, given the extended use of the wolfhook berries that Lumine applied every time she changed his bandages. Their time together was coming to an end, and Razor knew it, every step he took on his injured leg reminded him of this.

Lumine was saddened too by the inevitability of their parting ways. She had gotten used to the warm bed and silver hairs coating her pillow. She got used to the awkward way Razor spoke, and how he always wanted to be useful around the house. He nearly tore open his wound in an attempt to learn how to sweep the house. Lumine found him adorable. Razor found her phenomenal.

"Lumine," Razor called out to her from across the room, "my leg got better."

Lumine felt a pang in her heart, she had hoped he'd never mention it, and she'd never have to send him away. The company was all too comforting in her lonely cottage outside of Springvale.

"You're healing well," she said, trying to put on a happy face, "why don't we celebrate?"


"Yea! I'll go down to the winery and grab a bottle of dandelion wine for us," she smiled, "we can have a few drinks together, if you want?"

Razor nodded, he liked the idea of celebrating something with Lumine, it didn't have to be special. And he had never tried dandelion wine before.

When Lumine went to the winery, Razor pestered to join her, yet his leg wouldn't hold through the small journey, and Lumine put him back on bed rest.

The trip didn't take long, but it was almost dark by the time Lumine arrived back home. She dropped the wine off in the kitchen before going to change into her nightgown. A few drinks weren't going to take long, and she couldn't wait to curl back into bed beside Razor, especially if it was for the last time.

"Have you ever tried the wine from Dawn Winery?" She asked, pouring two goblets worth of wine. She handed one to Razor and sat on the bed beside him. He shook his head and accepted the cup gratefully.

"Well, cheers," she said with a smile, gently tapping her glass against his.

"Cheers?" Razor repeated, not sure what it meant. Lumine laughed and downed a sip of the sweet wine. Razor took a cautious sniff of the drink before having a small sip himself.

Lumine watched as his face curled in disgust.

"Gross," Razor stuck his tongue out in an over exaggerated manor.

"Really? I think it's rather sweet," Lumine said, disappointed that he didn't enjoy the wine.

"More for you then," Razor said with a crooked smile as he handed her back the glass. Lumine replaced his drink with a non alcoholic bottle of lemonade that she had gotten from a cafe in Mondstadt which Razor found much more preferable. The two of them enjoyed small talk while they drank, and soon enough, most of the wine was gone.

Lumine was tipsy, bordering on drunk, and she became rather playful. She quickly moved the bottle off to the side before moving closer to Razor. Lumine positioned his leg between hers and moved to rest above his thigh, making sure not to be near his injury, despite it being mostly healed. Razor just watched her with curiosity, unsure of why she had suddenly moved to his lap. Noticing their closeness, he quickly leaned back, almost laying flat but instead propped against the headboard.

"Where'd you get all these scars?" Lumine asked, running her fingertips up Razors' arm. A shiver went up his spine and the hairs on his arm stood on end. His mind flashed back to the first time he felt her soft fingers against his skin.

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