🍋Kitten (Kaeya x Lumine)

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It was just another day at the Knights of Favonius headquarters, but for Lumine, it was her day off. No fighting the abyss order, no commissions from the adventurers guild, and most importantly, no Paimon! Lisa was even kind enough to close down the library for her. Although, Lumine suspects that either Lisa wanted a lazy day herself, or this favour would be paid back later on.

Lumine was enjoying her book while sipping on tea when she heard the library doors open. Shocked, she looked up to see who had disturbed her. Expecting to see Jean, Lisa, or even Klee, she was incredibly disappointed to see non other then the Cavalry Captain himself. Kaeya.

"Library is closed," she groaned, putting a bookmark between the pages, just knowing that this conversation would be dragged out. Normally, a visit from Kaeya wasn't awful, Paimon loved his stories and Lumine thought it was cute how much Kaeya liked the attention. But lately, ever since the incident with Margarets' cat, Kaeya has taken to calling her a new nickname.

"But I'm just here to stop by and see how my little kitten is doing," he cooed as he began walking down the library steps towards Lumine.

"How many times am I going to have to tell you to stop calling me that!" Lumine stood up and slammed her book shut. The smug look on his face angered her. This was supposed to be a quiet and relaxing day!

"As many times as you want, kitten," he laughed. If Lumine wasn't a reasonable woman, she'd choke him out and blame it on Paimon.

"I would like you to listen to me so I can stop asking," Lumine groaned. She pushed her book to the side and stood up to face Kaeya who stood a foot taller than her. "Why are you here?"

"I just wanted to see how our honorary knight was doing on her day off," he cooed, leaning down slightly to match her height.

"I was doing just fine," she huffed, "but you've ruined my tranquility. What are you going to do to make it up to me?"

Her arms were crossed defiantly across her chest as she raised an eyebrow to Kaeya. She tapped her foot at him, impatiently waiting for a response.

"Whatever you'd like, your wish is my command," he smirked, his eye lighting up with excitement. "We still have the whole library to ourselves, after all."

"On your knees then," she commanded, leaning back against the table. Kaeya eyed her up and down before complying. He dropped down to his knees in front of Lumine, just as she had requested, no questions asked.

"When did you become so obedient?" She questioned, grabbing Kaeya's chin and tilting it up to look at him. His cheeks were turning red, and she knew what he was really here for. Maybe, she thought, I should teach him a lesson instead.

"Well then, since you wanted to be so chatty, let's put that tongue of yours to good use," Lumine said as she grabbed the bottom of her dress, pulling it up as she sat on the table and spread her legs. Kaeya stared up at her for a moment before lowering his eyes to look between her legs.

"Well what are you waiting for?" She questioned, "get to work."

"Yes Kitten," he said with a smirk. Kaeya grabbed one of her thighs and threw it over his shoulder before lowering his head between her legs. His lips met the tender skin of her inner thigh first, gently peppering her with kisses. Lumine sighed at the soft feeling, her head falling back as she closed her eyes.

Kaeya slowly but surely worked his way up her leg until finally, his tongue met her sweet spot. His motions were tender and strong as he worked, devouring her. One of Lumine's hands tangled into his hair as she held his head in place.

Kaeya began working his fingers into the equation, starting slow with one finger, gently curling up into her while his tongue flicked back and forth. Lumine moaned softly at his touch, her hips gently rocking against his tongue. Kaeya added another finger and began thrusting harder into her. His free hand was gripping her thigh, pulling her into him as he put more force into his movements.

Lumine couldn't help herself from squeezing her thighs around his face as she rocked back and forth. Despite having the room to themselves, she knew she had to stay quiet in fear of the knights hearing her from down the hall. Yet, there were still soft moans escaping her lips whenever Kaeya flattened his tongue against her clit and curled his fingers up.

Kaeya was enjoying every moment of Lumine's pleasure, from her moans to the tight squeeze of her legs against his head. It took everything he had to resist touching himself while he pleasured her.

"Ah... Kaeya," Lumine moaned his name. She could feel a pulsating between her legs as her stomach tightened. Her nails raked against his head as she pulled his hair tighter, her head falling back in ecstasy.

"I'm gonna..." she sighed, still trying to be quiet, "I'm gonna cum."

Kaeya did his best to continue the same pace, resisting his urge to go faster and harder. He could feel a rush of cum mixed with spit pour down his chin as she let out a loud moan, her legs squeezing and shaking against his head. Kaeya's eyes fluttered shut as he tasted her, not daring to stop until she pulled away. The loved hearing her, feeling her reactions.

"S-stop, stop," she breathed, "ah that's too much."

He hastily pulled away, staring up at her with lustful eyes as he wiped his chin. Lumine pushed her dress back down before getting off the table. Her eyes locked with Kaeya, her heavy breathing making it hard to hold her strong demeanour. He slowly stood up, his knees shaking under his weight after just being down on the floor.

"So," Kaeya whispered, leaning in to kiss Lumine's neck, "is it my turn?"

"Your turn? This was penance for disturbing me on my day off," she said with a smirk, pushing at his chest to get him to step back. Kaeya's face fell as he realised she had no intentions of relieving him.

"Please?" He pouted, grabbing her hand gently and lifting it to his lips, kissing her.

"I suggest you think unpleasant thoughts, otherwise your walk out of here will be rather embarrassing," she smirked, gently cupping his groin to tease him.

Kaeya sighed in defeat, "that's so unfair."

He planted a small kiss on her cheek before heading back towards the stairs.

"But we're still on for later, right?"

"Depends how much more of my time you're going to waste right now."

Lumine gave him a playful smirk and could hear Kaeya laughing as he ascended the stairs.

"Oh!" She called out once he reached the top, "and you can stop calling me kitten now!"

Kaeya laughed as he made his way to the door. He took a small pause, deep breath, and opened the door to leave the library. This would be on his mind all day...

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