🍋Masters Way (Diluc x M-Reader)

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MxM. BDSM. Pet play. Rough sex.

"On your knees," he commanded, pulling on the leash with enough force to knock the other man over.

"Y-yes Master Diluc," Aether whimpered as his knees grazed the hardwood floor. He sat there on the ground in front of Diluc, naked and shivering from the cold. The fireplace was lit, and yet somehow the air between the two was as cold as ice.

Through tousled black hair, Aether looked up at Diluc to see a sadistic smirk. He felt himself twitch at the sight of his master wearing such a grin. He took a deep and heavy breath in, feeling the rope tighten around his torso, reminding him of his bound hands.

"You're such a good little pet," Diluc praised as he unbuckled his belt. Aether felt his mouth salivate at just the thought of being used for his masters pleasure. He opened his mouth and stuck his tongue out before Diluc had even undone the button of his pants.

"So keen," Diluc chuckled, mostly to himself, "you really are a dirty slut aren't you?"

Aether looked up with pleading eyes, almost like he was begging Diluc to let him suck his dick. But Diluc took his time, he let the sight of his pet below him melt into his brain as he finally pulled down his fly. Aether wanted to shuffle forward to meet his master, but he knew if he waited patiently, he would be rewarded with a forceful pull of his lead.

He sat there, waiting in agony, panting like a dog with his tongue out. He found himself bobbing up and down on the spot, either an impatient tic or a desperate attempt to receive friction. He waited for what felt like an eternity before Diluc had his dick out, and was finally pulling the lead. Aether was quick to adhere to his masters wishes and took all of him into his mouth at once.

"Good boy," he cooed, watching as Aether enthusiastically devoured him. Diluc slid two fingers into the collar and began pulling Aether forward, forcing him to go deeper and choke. The deep sounds of his pet gagging on his length lit a fire within Diluc. As beautiful as this sight before him was, Diluc couldn't wait to bend over such a pretty boy.

Aether bobbed his head enthusiastically as his master pulled on his collar. He enjoyed being used by Diluc, being his pet was euphoric.

Diluc whispered soft praises to his pet as he thrusted his dick down the boys throat. Tears weld up in Aethers eyes as he choked, his throat suffering from being used so aggressively. Precum dripped down his throbbing dick as he strained against the binds tying his arms behind him.

"My, my, look at you, such a messy little pup," Diluc said as he pulled away from Aether. He cupped the boys chin in his hand, saliva running through his fingers. Diluc's eyes softened as he looked across the mess that was Aether. Covered in spit and tears, he looked beautiful to Diluc. He ran his thumb across Aethers' lower lip breaking the string of saliva that attached his mouth to Diluc.

"Stand," Diluc commanded as he pulled aggressively on Aethers' leash. The boy struggled to his feet, his knees scraping against the hardwood floor. He was wobbly, but soon was standing before his master. He looked up at Diluc, his eyes still glossed over with tears, and smiled. He could see his master had began to unbutton his shirt, and Aether was excited to see him bare.

Diluc shrugged his shirt off and let it slip to the floor, his pants however were still around his hips. Aether drank up the sight for as long as he could, from the toned muscles of his chest and stomach, to the snail trail that led to a well trimmed pubis and his masters throbbing member. He looked strong and sexy and it made Aether crave him.

Grabbing the leash, Diluc pulled Aether towards him. Their bodies collided and Diluc pushed his lips against Aethers'. Despite the rough nature of their sex, Diluc's kisses felt soft and delicate, like he was savouring every moment.

Diluc released the boy from his grasp before pushing him onto the bed face down. He grabbed Aethers hips and yanked them upwards so his ass was perked up in the air.

Aether became disappointed and tried to protest his masters actions.

"P-please, I want to see you," Aether begged.

"You'll do as you're told," Diluc growled, leaning down and brushing Aethers' dark hair away from his face, "understood?"

"Yes Master," he sighed, feeling nervous and excited about having Diluc's face so close to his.

His anticipation was rewarded when Diluc sunk his teeth into Aethers' neck while simultaneously thrusting his dick inside. Aether let out a moan so loud that Diluc pushed his head into the sheets to silence him.

"Be quiet, pet," he hissed, trying not to moan as he pulled out and thrust back into him to try and gauge Aethers' reaction. Aether bit the bedsheets and let nothing but a soft whimper pass his lips. Diluc was happy with this and continued to have his way with him. Diluc tightened his grip on the leash, adding more tension around Aethers' neck, causing him to moan louder again.

"Good boy," Diluc cooed, listening to the sweet moans from the boy beneath him. He could feel himself reaching his limit for pleasure and he knew that he would cum soon.

"Do you want a reward?"

"Yes!" Aether cried, "please master!"

"How badly do you want it?" Dilucs' tone was low and sadistic as he spoke, pushing Aether to beg.

And beg he did.

"Please master, I want to see you, please. I want you to use me and make me cum, please reward me," he cried, his knees buckling as his imagination went to all the things he wanted to watch his master do to him.

Diluc brought his hand down on Aethers' backside, hard, with one last thrust before he pulled out. The boy whimpered and whined before Diluc flipped him over.

"Good pet," he cooed.

Diluc thrust himself back inside of his pet and went at him hard. He let himself revel in the feeling and allowed himself to be heard and seen by Aether. Between the tightness of his pet and the soft desperate moans, it wasn't long before Diluc felt his orgasm. His eyes fluttered shut and a deep moan escaped his lips as he came.

Aether didn't dare let his eyes close even for a moment. He had to watch every second of his masters orgasm. The way his release looked so euphoric, he felt proud to be able to do that for his master.

"Good pet," Diluc praised again, signing a breath of relief as he pulled away from his pet. He sat for a moment and thought about how to finish him off too, and decided on the ultimate reward for his good behaviour.

Diluc dropped to his knees in front of the bed and threw Aethers legs over his shoulders. His dick was dripping with precum and pulsating as he waited in desperation to be touched.

"M-master... ah..." Aether whined and moaned as Diluc took him into his mouth. He was loud and couldn't stop writhing around as pleasure from Diluc's mouth overtook his body.

"I'm gonna- ah-" he lost himself to his pleasure as he came. And Diluc swallowed every bit of it. Aether didn't stop moaning and whining until Diluc was stood in front of him and he could no longer feel the other mans hot skin against his.

Diluc leaned down and gave Aether a soft kiss on the lips before helping him off the bed to untie his binds and remove the collar.

"Are you hurt? Did I do them too tight?" Diluc asked, gently kissing Aethers shoulder from behind.

"I'm okay," he reassured. The two went for a shower before curling up into bed together. They cuddled and whispered sweet nothings until they finally fell asleep together.

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