🥰The Luckiest Man in the World (Bennett x F-Reader)

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Based on Bennett's unlockable friendship quest


The morning sun shone brightly through my window as I sat on my bed thinking about what I could do for the day. It was a beautiful day without a cloud in the sky, the scent of wildflowers floated in the breeze. Today would be a great day for an adventure.

I grabbed my satchel bag and ran down the stairs. I waved off my mum as I left and headed straight for the adventurers guild kiosk to see if Katheryne had any commissions for me today. I gave Blanche and Sara a wave as I walked through the town square towards the gate, where I could see another adventurer, Bennett, talking with Katheryne. I've heard rumours about him, how he's so unlucky and all his adventures turn out to be a fluke. His adventure team recently dispersed due to his unfortunate string of bad luck.

But he was so sweet. I always saw him helping out the older members of the guild, and there was always a smile on his face. Not to mention, he was so cute. Between the plasters and scars, you'd think he was a ruffian, but the sweet smile and glowing green eyes tell a different story. It's my best kept secret that I have a crush on Bennett. Maybe it's such a good secret because I avoid talking to him at all costs as not to embarrass myself...

As I approached the kiosk, Bennett saw me and lit up.

"Lumine! Hi, are you here to see if Katheryn has any commissions?" He asked excitedly. He began rambling about how it was an honour to finally meet me, and how he'd heard about some of my adventures from other guild members.

"Oh I'm sorry, I'm rambling," he slowed down.

"Hi Bennett," I greeted shyly once he had taken a moment to breathe. I could feel my face getting hot as his eyes lit up.

"You know my name?" He chirped up. His smile only grew.

"Of course," I spoke softly, "you're an adventurer, just like me."

"Do you want to go on an adventure together?" He asked, his hands balled into fists as he bounced with excitement.

Taken aback, I simply nodded and tried to conceal my bashful smile under my hand. An adventure, with Bennett? I'll finally get to experience his luck first hand, and I wasn't even worried. Everyone made it sound like adventuring with Bennett could kill you, but I was more concerned with my over exasperated heart rate doing the damage.

"That's awesome!" He exclaimed, breaking me from my thoughts. "I got a tip from someone about a ruin with loads of treasure! I'm sure it's nothing an experienced adventurer like you can't handle!"

"Yea, that sounds great Bennett," I said with a small smile.

"How do you normally prepare for adventures?" He asked me, taking a step closer.

"Oh umm... I guess I head to Good Hunter to grab some supplies before heading out," I answered. I did skip breakfast after all...

"Awesome, let's go see Sara and grab some things," he exclaimed, grabbing me by the wrist and pulling me up the stairs towards Good Hunter. I felt the heat rising to my cheeks as I stared down as his hand enclosed around my wrist. I stumbled over my own feet trying to keep up with him.

"You order from Sara while I get cooking, okay?" He asked. I nodded and walked up to the counter and ordered some small dishes so we had food for our trip. Once I was done I went to see how Bennett's cooking was going. Upon looking into the pot, I saw a bubbling purple goo that Bennett was scooping into a container.

"Bennett... are you sure that's safe to eat?" I asked, looking at the strange concoction.

"Uhh... I think so? I'm pretty sure it's the same as the last time I made this dish," he mumbled, looking over the goop in front of him. "I'm sure it's fine! Cmon, let's go!"

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