prologue: June 21st

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Reki sat in the brown hair boy's lap, pressing his lips against his, their red and brown bangs touching and knotting together.

Reki's hands combed through the other boy's greasy brown hair and parted his bangs so he could look into his gorgeous green eyes.

Reki pulled away, tucking the boy's long bangs behind his ears. He could tell something was wrong.

"What's up?" Reki said with caring eyes. The sparkle in his boyfriend's irises had faded and his face was pale and sunken. Dark circles had formed under his eyes.

"I'm sorry." The brown haired boy said, putting his forhead down on Reki's shoulder. "What happened!?" Reki said in a quiet, worried exclamation.

The brown haired boy shook his head and sat back up, pulling Reki's face close. His bangs covered his teary eyes.

"kiss me and make it all go away." The boy said. Reki complied for a few minutes before pulling him up to standing, "let's go skating."

"It's raining." The brown haired boy said.

"Who cares." Reki smiled at him and handed him a board with interesting wheels attached, "these are rain wheels." Reki's smile lit up the room, "let's get wet."

The brown haired boy smiled and took the board, "let's get wet." He repeated.

The skated around the city, laughing and not giving a shit about life. It was a good release for both of them. They went into Walmart and pushed eachother around in grocery carts, laughing their ass's off as they dragged puddles of water into the store from their soaking wet clothes.

They closed off their night by sitting on the roof of an older apartment building in the rain. "I love you Reki." The brown haired boy said, "thank you for making everything better."

Reki smiled, "I love you too! No problems here!" The brown haired boy smiled and parted his bangs, showing his pretty green eyes, "tommorow is our one year anniversary."

Reki nodded, "I know! I have so much planned it's gonna be so much fun." The brown haired boy smiled softly before nodding, "yeah."

"June 21st is gonna be our special day forever." Reki said.

"To infinity." The brown haired boy said.

"AND BEYOND!!" Reki yelled from the roof. They both laughed. After staying and reminiscing old memories and adoring the night time they climbed down the stairs of the apartment building and skated back home in the pouring rain.

Reki tried to convince the brown haired boy to stay the night at his place, but he refused. "I've gotta go back to my folks before they get too mad." He said.

"Okay okay but I'm coming to get you. Tommorow. And if you don't come to the door I'm breaking in." Reki said seriously.

The brown haired boy laughed, "okay okay. Sounds like a plan. I love you." Reki smiled at him, "I love you too! I will see you on June 21st the official day of our ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY!!!" He yelled.

The browned hair boy smiled genuinely and pulled the red haired boy into a kiss. "I'll miss you." He said before they departed.

This statement left Reki a bit confused, but he happily skated the rest of the way home.

He woke up at 8 the next morning, hopped on his board and skated to the back of the neighborhood to find the brown haired boy. After a good 10 minute journey he got there.

He picked up his board and ran up to the house, knocking on the front door and ringing the doorbell repeatedly like a 6 year old child. He was disappointed  when there was no answer.

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