end: June 21st

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(an: to get the full effect of this chapter I would recommend listening to this spotify playlist I have concocted:
https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7HKPKoPntAq1Rh2W3nVysZ?si=oSPrLFx_QfirSaROLkIrAA&utm_source=copy-link&dl_branch=1 )

Langa skated up to Reki's house the next morning, he had barely slept or ate since. Worry was eating away at him.

He didn't bother knocking, he wanted to get in without making a ruckus. There wasn't any sound from inside. He could tell that Reki would be the only one home.

He took the extra key out from under their doormat and slipped inside. His parents weren't there. A bit of tension released from his shoulders.

But something felt brutally off.

The house felt empty, like there wasn't a living soul for miles.

He quickly made his way to Reki's room, he knocked softly, "Reki! It's langa, can I come in?" But there was no response.

Something sank in his stomach. Something was wrong, "Reki?" He called again. Nothing. The house was silent.

He knew something was wrong. He grabbed the circle doorknob and twisted it with strength he wouldn't have without adrenaline. The door handle broke off and the door became ajar.

He forced it open.

The first thing he saw was Reki's neat bed, the covers tucked under the pillows, just like how his dad used to do it.

On top of his bed was a tightly folded piece of paper. Langa's throat tightened as he walked into the room and read the note. It read:

Dear Langa,

I know you're the one who's gonna get this note first. I'm so so sorry. I already miss you so much, more than you can even imagine. And I love you. Please remember that. I just can't do this anymore. They hit me and then they said i had 5 minutes to get my stuff and leave and I can't handle this. I can't do it anymore. This is my only way out of all this. I need you to help my sister's out when they need it, I couldn't take this anymore, I'm not a good parental figure I'm supposed to be their brother and I'm never doing enough. After everything I'm finally getting a break now. Thank you for kissing me on my last day here, you made me feel so much better. Please keep living for me, go fall in love with someone else and get super good at skating. Keep skating and become the best in the world. Win against Adam for me. I'm sorry I left I can't take this anymore. I need a way out. Please call the police and don't go in the bathroom, you shouldn't have to see me like this. I love you so much. I'll see you if there's an afterlife. Call the police and don't break into the bathroom. I love you so much, goodbye.


A wash of denial swept over Langa's body. "REKI!?" he yelled as he broke the handle on the bathroom door, "you're still alive right? You're gonna be okay-"

He stared at Reki, laying on the bathroom floor, the empty bottle of prescription pain medications near his fingertips. Reki's skin was pale and pasty, rubbery looking.

Langa felt dizzy as he stared at the scene, sobs racking his tall frame. He knelt down beside Reki, scared to touch him. He wasn't breathing. His heart wasn't beating.

It was too much.

"Reki wake up." He shook his body a bit, "REKI WAKE UP." he yelled, his voice hoarse with emotion.

"I STILL NEED YOU. I STILL NEED YOU YOU CANT GO WAKE UP." he screamed. He felt sick to his stomach.

"WAKE UP YOU IDIOT. PLEASE WAKE UP." he yelled, shaking Reki. He felt himself gag and ran back to the bathroom down the hall.

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