4: kissing in the sunset

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Police burst into the home and pulled the drunk man off of the woman, Reki's mom. They handcuffed him, but he wouldn't stop struggling. They tazed him, threw him in the back of the cop car, and drove away to let the rest of the police handle anything else.

A nice policewoman found the three girls in their room, shaking and crying.

"Hey are you all okay? Are you hurt?" She knelt down in the doorway.

"Is Reki okay?" One of the girls asked.

"Is Reki your older brother?" The woman asked. The three girls nodded. The woman smiled sweetly, "he's gonna be just fine. It's all safe now, do you wanna go see your brother?" The girls nodded.

"Okay. Is it okay if I take you in my car to go see him?" The woman asked. The girls were hesitant, "can we ask momma first?" One of the twins asked.

The woman thought to herself, "let me go check up on your momma okay?" She left the room for a moment.

Thankfully Reki's mom was okay and got out of the situation with minimal injuries, maybe a bruise or two at most.

The woman went back to the room with the girls, Reki's mom followed closely behind.

"Hey kiddo's." She hugged all of them, "I'm so sorry about all of this.. do you wanna go see Reki?" The girls nodded. The policewoman drove them to the hospital.

They found Reki in the emergency room, unconscious with an oxygen mask strapped to his face and tubes in his arms. Langa was at his bedside, holding his hand. The girls ran up to him and tugged on his hospital gown, "Reki wake up!! Wake up! Momma is here Reki wake up!"

Reki was barely conscious, he could hear a little, but didn't have the strength to open his eyes. His head was pounding and if he saw any light, he thought it might explode.

His sister grabbed his finger and he slowly wrapped his hand around hers. He heard her shout happily, "look momma! Reki is awake! Reki wake up!"

He desperately wanted her to stop yelling.

"Shhhh." Langa whispered to her, "try not to be too loud, it might hurt his head." It was a sweet gesture that Reki appreciated much more than Langa knew.

Reki squeezed Langa's hand, and Reki couldn't see it, but the blue haired boy's cheeks were considerably rosy.

Reki's ears were ringing as he tried to open his eyes. He was hit with a wave of nausea and he groaned, closing his eyes again. He felt like he was spinning in circles.

"You okay Reki?" His mom whispered. A sense of relief flooded through him as he heard her voice. That didn't change the fact that he felt like he was about to puke down the front of himself.

"I feel sick." Reki said. Peeling the oxygen mask off his face and leaning forward a bit. His mom went to get a nurse and Langa, like the smart dude he is, grabbed a cylindrical blue bag off off the counter. He had been to the hospital before. He was a smart guy.

He handed the bag to Reki, who heald it in front of his mouth. He was deathly pale and shaking.

After another minute he vomited into the bag, Langa climbed next to him on the hospital bed and rubbed his back. His sister's were covering their eyes.

Reki threw up again as the nurse and his mom's came back. Reki breathed a sigh of relief and let the nurse take the bag.

"Momma is Reki sick?" One of the twins asked. Their mom nodded and whispered, "the nurse said that Reki hit his head pretty hard and sometimes when your brain gets hurt, the rest of your body gets sick too. It's called a concussion."

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