5: descent in the beach bathroom

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It was days later and Langa and Reki were back at S, an illegal skating course. Langa was the talk of the town.

He had become famous nearly overnight, the rumor of him being a former snowboarder had gone around and his new nickname was 'Snow'

Langa and Reki were surrounded by people, Reki quickly being pushed to the back and forgotten as people bombarded Langa with questions and adoration.

The blue haired boy watched as someone pushed through the crowd, a sly smile on his face. "so you're the infamous Snow huh?" The mystery boy asked.

Langa looked at him, "well I wouldn't really say infamous. Why?" The black haired kid smirked, "so humble." He looked up at him suddenly, the cat ears on his hood flopped back as he did so.

"What's your name?" Langa asked innocently.

"Miya." The boy said, "I'm a candidate for the national Japanese team. And I challenge you to a beef. Do you accept?"

Langa looked surprised. Reki was listening from the back, praying he said no, the last thing he wanted was for Langa to get hurt.

"Yes." Langa said. Reki held in a groan.

"Next Tuesday, 11:30pm sharp." Miya said before turning on his heel, the cat tail attached to his sweatshirt whipping around behind him.

Langa turned back to find Reki, who was trying to push himself to the front.

"Reki?" Langa asked, spinning around. Reki jumped up and waved his hand, "LANGA." He yelled. Langa smiled and fought through the crowd.

They joined in a hug. Langa pulled Reki into a quick kiss in front of everybody. Some people found it adorable, others clapped, but a small group of men were not pleased in the slightest.

Reki pulled away quickly, there were so many people watching them for all the wrong reasons. He didn't mind the kiss though.

"Fags! Get a room"

"Fuck off already"

"You don't have to be so in our faces about it."

Reki's stomach was churning as people yelled slurs and people began to argue. He squeezed Langa's hand tight, his ears were bright red.

Just as Langa was about to speak up, someone stepped in front of them. The man was beefy.

"I'm gonna need you bunch to shut up." The man said.

Langa sighed in relief. Reki held tight onto Langa's hand. The man turned to them, "you kids okay?" He was shirtless and had green hair, "I'm joe. I'm about to race. Root for me!" He winked nicely at them before walking into the track.

Reki smiled and they yelled for Joe as he won the race.

They went back to their neighborhood later that night, walking in silence. Langa noticed that Reki's energy was off.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"I don't wanna go home." He said quietly. Langa stopped and pulled him into a hug, "you wanna stay the night at my house?" Reki nodded in Langa's arm.

They held hands the rest of the way to Langa's house. Reki showered and had a meal. Afterwards they both flopped over onto Langa's bed. Reki grabbed Langa's hand, "you're amazing."

Langa smiled. "thank you?" He said as he gave Reki a kiss on the forehead, but he was asleep. Langa grinned and hugged Reki close, "goodnight."


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