6: a call

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A long talk and 25 minutes later, Reki walked out, his eyes puffy from crying and a small smile was resting on his face. Joe came out right behind him.

Reki sat down next to Langa, who looked over to him worriedly, "you okay?" Langa asked.

Reki nodded shortly, "I'm okay." You could tell he had been crying, but he was telling the truth. It felt good to share, like a huge weight was lighter on his shoulders, someone was helping carry it.

Joe reached over and squeezed Cherry's hand, "this kid." He mumbled. Cherry looked at him seriously, "is he okay?" He whispered. Joe glanced over at him, "he's got a rough family. I'll explain more later."

Langa and Reki were talking away, deep in conversation, giggling. A hiccup from Reki slipped in every once in a while.

After a few more minutes of quiet chatter and Roblox playing their food was served.

Cherry made a small complaint about the soup trying to spark a friendly argument with Joe, though he seemed to be enjoying it. Joe put his hand on Cherry's shoulder as he took a gulp of the soup, "let's not argue right now." He glanced at Reki quickly, a look of understand flashed onto Cherry's face before they both went to quietly eating their soup.

Reki looked over at them, "weren't they gonna order shark?" He asked while simultaneously giggling. Langa shrugged, laughing at their shenanigans.

After a few more minutes Langa got up, pulling Reki behind him. They ran off laughing. Cherry and Joe looked at eachother, cracking a grin, both of them thinking back to their highschool days. They knew exactly what they were about to do.

Langa pulled Reki behind the restaurant, right onto the beach. They ran down to the shore, kicking water and sand at eachother. Langa pulled him along to a sandy spot tucked in between two buildings.

Reki pushed their faces together and kissed Langa. The stayed there for a while, lips joined passionately with a few breaks for breath.

"You taste like ranch salad dressing." Reki commented. Langa tapped him on the top of the head, laughing, "you're the one who chose to make out with me!" Reki smiled. Langa slumped over, leaning his head on Reki's shoulder, "why are you so much shorter than me" langa whined. Reki kicked him playfully, "oh sorry Mr. Tall over here fell in love with me."

Langa scowled at him jokingly and Reki laughed. Langa could stare at his happy face all day, he pulled him into a deep kiss. Reki's eyes went wide before he closed them again, leaning into Langa.

Langa snaked his hand around Reki's head, running his hands through his greasy hair. Reki smiled in the kiss, grabbing Langa's shirt before pulling away for air.

Reki hugged Langa, keeping him close as the both pulled in deep breaths, "I love you. Thank you for being here." He said quietly. Langa squeezed him from his shoulders, lifting him off the ground a little "of course. I love you too."

Reki smiled and pulled him out of the little crevice, running back into the restaurant through the sand to shovel down the last of their food.

Cherry glanced over at the two boys, who were nearly choking on their food as they tried not to laugh. Both the men could see the relief and comfort that had settled into the redhead's demeanor.

Langa felt his phone buzz in his pocket and pulled it out. It was a message from Miya.

How was your 20 minutes making out with Reki?

The text read. Langa looked over at Shadow and Miya, a small and sarcastic scowl lining his features. The two were waiting for his reaction and immediately started laughing their asses' off when he looked over. Reki looked confused, leaning into Langa's lap to read the text, a deep blush immediately spreading across his face.

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