June 21st 2023 special

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Langa had nightmares.

He avoided sleep because of the nightmares. The nightmares of Reki's body. The nightmares of that day.

But sometimes...

Sometimes the dreams that weren't nightmares were worse.



"Langa! I missed you!"

They joined in a kiss. And they hugged.

"I've been gone for a while, but I'm back now! I'm so excited to skate with you again, have you been practicing?" Reki asked.

"Oh hell yeah! I've been working really hard while you've been gone!" Langa replied excitedly, the nature of his dream causing him to forget that Reki wasn't truly alive.

Next thing he knew they were lined up to race at S.

Snow vs. Reki

Reki. The boy who would never be forgotten. The boy who would never be pushed to the side again.

They kicked off, each pulling ahead of eachother just slightly in the beginning, but staying equal through most curves and jumps.

"Show me what you've got!" Reki yelled to Langa, motioning for him to do some cool trick.

Langa rode slightly up a tubed wall and did a cool trick before landing just in front of Reki.

"Ahhh trying to pull ahead of me hm?? Well not today!!" Reki yelled joyfully as he went to do his own trick.

Langa watched in horror as it went horribly wrong.

And suddenly he was kneeling in front of Reki's dead body again.



He was sobbing. And sobbing. And sobbing.

And he woke up in tears.

Worst part was there was no one there to comfort him. He had moved into a college dorm last year.

His dormmate was out at a party.

Langa laid in his bed, staring at the ceiling, trying to, for the trillionth time, cope with the fact that Reki was gone. To understand that they would never see each other again.

To understand they would never kiss again.

Never hug again.

Never laugh again.

Never cry again.

They would never see each other again.

How could he keeping living knowing he had lost the love of his life?

(Happy June 21st you emotional masochists enjoy this 350 word short)

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